“The Canadian Badlands passion play is a dramatic presentation depicting the Life of Jesus Christ including his ministry, trial, suffering, death and resurrection.
In the 1960s the Honourable Gordon Taylor, Minister of Highways for Alberta and a local MLA helped found a local society to produce a Passion Play in Drumheller. However, due to a number of factors the project never started.
In 1988, LaVerne Erickson, founder of Rosebud School of the Arts and Rosebud Theatre, formed a steering committee and gained the support of local community organizations to set the foundation for what would become The Canadian Badlands Passion Play.
In 1990, The Canadian Badlands Passion Play Society had its charter meeting. Mr. Gordon Taylor was made Honorary Chairman.
From 1990 through 1994 local community support and a growing volunteer base enabled the society to target the summer of 1994 as the date for its first production of The Canadian Badlands Passion Play.
Hundreds of volunteers, thousands of dollars and generous gifts of materials, government grants and the theatrical expertise of Rosebud School of the Arts all combined to make the first Canadian Badlands Passion Play.
The Canadian Badlands Passion Play obtained 30 acres of property on which its amphitheatre is located. It also jointly owns another 65 acres in conjunction with the Drumheller Valley Ski Hill.