"Fiddler" raises the roof at Rosebud Theatre | DrumhellerMail
Last updateThu, 06 Mar 2025 11am

"Fiddler" raises the roof at Rosebud Theatre

fiddler2008.jpg In its silver anniversary season of celebrating “Big Stories in Little Places”, Rosebud Theatre is setting a new standard with its summer production of Fiddler on the Roof.
For 93 days this summer (May 30 - August 30), the arts community of Rosebud is bracing itself for what promises to be the biggest show ever at the Rosebud Opera House.
With 30 actors and musicians delivering one of the most popular and energetic musical theatre plays of all time, audiences are being entertained with a musical and visual experience like no other. For Fiddler on the Roof, Rosebud Theatre has built every costume from the roof down, cast the most number of actors, and invested more technical labour than any production in its history.
“We’re inviting people to celebrate our anniversary with us,” says Artistic Director Morris Ertman. “Producing Fiddler on the Roof is a lot like throwing a 25th wedding anniversary party for all your friends and neighbours. You make room in the garage, move furniture, remodel and re-landscape the yard so that you can bring as many people into as big a celebration as you can muster. Likewise, Rosebud Theatre is building a production of Fiddler on the Roof that will have the Opera House stage bursting at the seams. And what is more fitting than a story about three weddings stuffed into a short time frame in the life of Tevye, a Jewish milk farmer and father whose conversations with his neighbours, his wife, his children and his God inevitably turn into song and dance.”
Ticket sales for Fiddler on the Roof have been on a record pace since the show was announced. To accommodate the demand, additional seats have been added to a newly renovated Opera House and extra outdoor patio seating is being built adjacent to the Mercantile Dining Room.
Rosebud Theatre Executive Director Bob Davis notes that, “Up to now, our biggest summer show was in 2006 with Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat when we entertained 17,000 visitors. With Fiddler on the Roof, we have the potential to sell approximately 20,000 tickets. That would be an incredible feat for a hamlet of barely 100 people.”
Fiddler on the Roof opens May 30 and runs to August 30 at the Rosebud Opera House.

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