Drumheller torch route released | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 12 Mar 2025 4pm

Drumheller torch route released

The Olympic Torch is making its way through town in under two weeks, and The Mail has learned where and when residents will be able to watch the iconic symbol on its journey to the Games.
    The route of the Olympic Torch in Drumheller has been released, and even if you are unable to attend the celebration on January 16 at the Canadian Badlands Passion Play Site residents will be able to see the torch pass in a number of places.
    While start and end times are estimates, the torch will arrive in the valley  at 11:43 a.m. on Saturday January 16 near the intersection of Highway 9/56 and North Dinosaur Trail. The Torch Bearers will carry the torch south on Bridge Street over the Gordon Taylor Bridge. The parade will then travel east on Riverside Drive under the Shadow of The World’s Largest Dinosaur for two blocks before it travels south on Centre Street to 3rd Avenue. There the torch will head west passed RBC in Drumheller to 2nd Street where it will again turn South to Highway 575 and finish before Elgin Hill Road at about 11:48 p.m.
    The Torch Relay will then commence on Highway 575 near the entrance of the Passion Play Site and Ski Hill where it will be carried to the Passion Play Site to light the Olympic Cauldron. Following the celebration, the torch will be proudly carried from the site and east along 4th Avenue SW where it will wind up at about 1:09 p.m.
    Organizers hope to see a strong show of support along the route as the torch winds its way through the valley.
    Those wishing to see the map of the route can go to www.vancouver2010.com and click on the “Olympic Torch on the Road” link. There, they can access Drumheller information by choosing Day 79 on the interactive map.

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