Morrin School introduces hockey program | DrumhellerMail
Last updateMon, 17 Feb 2025 11am

Morrin School introduces hockey program


This fall, Morrin School will begin offering its newly developed hockey program for students in Grades 7-12.
     Principal Don Yavis tells the Mail the school has been working on introducing the program for about a year. This fall, they have about 15 students registered to take part in the program.
‘It’s a go,” said Yavis. “It looks like a good start. We are going to do it for the first semester and see where it takes us, and expand it if all goes well.”
     The program will include powerskating as well as skill development. The students will have three on-ice sessions a week in the afternoons, one will be dedicated to powerskating, while the rest will focus on skill development.
     “Our high school kids can earn CTS credits because there is some mentoring and coaching,” explains Yavis. “It will be more skill development with the junior high kids.”
    Another change for the coming school year, according to Yavis, is they have a new CTS teacher. Trevor Wasylynuik comes from a school in Grande Prairie High school and he is a journeymen welder and has taught at SAIT. He also has experience in automotive repair and mechanics.
      “He is going to teach shop to the kids and he is also talking about developing some adult programming,” said Yavis.
    Because he is a journeyman, this offers more options for students.
    ‘What this opens the door for is, if our students are interested in welding, they can take the RAP ( Registered Apprentice Program) right at school,” said Yavis. ‘So we can do some dual credit stuff, so it’s going to open the door up quite a bit.”
    The school also welcomes Phoebe Amendt, who will be teaching primarily high school social studies. Mrs. Grenville will be returning this school this year on a full-time basis. She will be teaching Grade 3-4.
     Registration remains strong and Yavis is projecting there will be about 125-135 students.
    “It is going to be an exciting year and we are ready to roll,” he said.
    The first day of classes is Tuesday, September 3.

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