The Mastel Transport Midget Raptors kicked off their season last weekend splitting two games.
Raptors were at home Saturday evening to host Medicine Hat but lost 7-2. They were able to spring back Sunday on the road versus Duchess and won 9-2.
“They played a lot better on Sunday said coach Doug Hodge of the Raptors.
The season has just begun. In fact these were the team’s first two games, and they are still sparing to see what tier they will spend the season.
Coach Hodge is liking what he is seeing on the ice.
“Sunday they played excellent. On Saturday we just took 30 minutes of penalties,” said Hodge. “You can’t play shorthanded like that.”
“They played their positions, they skated, they passed and they had their legs under them,” said Hodge.
Alignment is on the weekend of November 16.