There are still spots for teams wanting to get on the ice at one of the biggest bonspiels of the season. This of course is the Farmer’s Bonspiel, starting January 30.
The week-long tournament at the Drumheller rink concludes with dinner at the Munson Hall, and promises great action on the ice, and lots of fun.
Organizer Len Sharpe says there is still room for teams to register for the tournament.
“We don’t turn anybody away,” said Sharpe. “Biggest bonspiel in the area, I think. I don’t know of any that get more teams than ours gets.”
He says teams come from surrounding communities including Rumsey, Hanna, Three Hills, Rockyford, Hussar and Rosebud to name a few.
If you are not a curler but want to get involved in the tournament, Sharpe says there are opportunities to act as a sponsor for the tournament, or to donate a prize.
For more information on how to sponsor, donate a prize, or enter a team, contact Sharpe at 403-321-0455.