News | DrumhellerMail - Page #1227
Last updateSat, 21 Sep 2024 12pm

Two Wheel View off to Banff this week

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    Eleven riders are geared up to ride to Banff after the local Two Wheel View bicycle group have recently finished fundraising.

    The group, which is in its fifth year in Drumheller, has raised $11,000 to fund the trip which will take the students from Drumheller to Banff starting August 8.

On the ten day trip, they’ll be stopping along the way for different learning experiences such as a visit to the Morley reservation to learn about indigenous culture and also stopping at an organic farm to learn about environmental stewardship. The riders typically ride 30 to 40 kilometres a day, stopping to camp on the way and cook their own food

    Pat Doyle has volunteered to help organize the group for the last three years and says he does it because of the impact he sees on the teenagers.

    “I’ve seen the desire for this program on how it builds confidence. It teaches them leadership qualities in organizing and going through with commitments,” says Doyle.

    His son Matthew has been involved with the ride for three years and says he initially joined the ride after one of his friends came back to school raving about the trip.

    “He came back the next year and was telling us about how much fun he had. The next year I felt compelled to go and once we got out there it was fun biking and everyone got along,” he says.

    “Leading up to the first trip I was really scared I wouldn’t be able to do it, that I’d have to stop and hold everyone behind, but we just cheered each other along and supported each other.”

    The participating riders this year are Andrew Germain, Mackenzie Lloyd, Ray Tietge, Drew Lloyd, Matthew Doyle, Andrew Phillips, Emma Doyle, Joshua McMackin, Randy McHugh, Will VanDyk, and Levi Munn.

    The cost does not cost the teenagers anything with thanks to their fundraising efforts throughout the year and also through the support of sponsors like the Drumheller Kinsmen Club, Rotary, Lion’s Club, Freson Bros., the RCMP, and Badlands Victims Services. Those wishing to donate to the Drumheller group can do so on their GoFundMe page called ‘Badlands to Banff Youth Bike Trip.’

Three Hills veterinarian honoured

Kathy 2009

Three Hills veterinarian Dr. Kathleen Parker was awarded the 2018 Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA) Merck Veterinary Award for dedicating her entire career to contributing to the Canadian livestock industry.
    Dr. Parker is a Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM and established a mixed animal practice in central Alberta.The large animal ambulatory service has evolved into a comprehensive mixed animal practice today at a clinic in Three Hills, Alta. where she also runs a purebred Suffolk Sheep Farm with her husband.
    Her dedication and passion for the improvement of animal health has been demonstrated through her lifetime commitment to her own practice, as well the various positions she has held within small ruminant organizations and her involvement with industry events.
    She strives to encompass the overall scope of the animal health industry by empowering producers, students, and clients to learn and understand the purpose and benefit of livestock welfare.
    “She has devoted countless hours to producer meetings, continuing education events for producers and veterinarians alike, and has sat on numerous boards and advisory committees,” says Dr. Leisa Floreani, veterinarian at the Fairview Veterinary Clinic Ltd.
    One of her biggest contributions to the health of small ruminants in western Canada was securing the funding and authors to develop the various modules that make up the Flock Health Manuals available through the Alberta Lamb Producers website.

Tourism numbers generally on par

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Some tourist attractions in Drumheller are reporting stronger numbers for visitation so far this summer.
    Numbers for the World’s Largest Dinosaur were up 22 per cent in the month of June and Drumheller and District Chamber of Commerce executive director Heather Bitz says they expect strong numbers to continue into August.
    “I’m optimistic things will be positive throughout the rest of the summer,” she says, adding that the months previous to June numbers were down from typical averages.
    The chamber is also expecting the 2,000,000th visitor to the WLD later this month, with the lucky visitor to be given a prize package of items. They’re currently at 1,957,393.
    “It’s a milestone we’ve been tracking. We hit our first million back in September 2009 so we’re looking at about the same time frame this year,” says Bitz.
    The Royal Tyrrell Museum had a record breaking year last year and say they might be just shy of topping it this season.
    “We’ve had some amazing weather so attendance has been pretty solid. We haven’t had a chance to look through what the demographics are yet but it is about the same as last year in that we have a pretty strong Calgary population coming for a visit,” says exhibits and communications director Lisa Making.
    While strong numbers are always good, she says Calgary and other nearby day-tripping tourists do not have as much economic impact as overnight guests. She says there is a lot to do in Drumheller and a guest may not be able to take it all in unless they stay overnight.
    The Atlas Coal Mine executive director Jessica Jeninga says numbers seem to be on par or a bit higher than previous years but they also expect August long weekend to be a boom as it’s typically their busiest time of year.
    “It’s the last long weekend of the summer. So we’re emotionally prepared for it,” she says. “I think that’s pretty true across other institutions in the valley.”


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