Please wear a poppy | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 12 Mar 2025 4pm

Please wear a poppy


Mayor Terry Yemen, left is pinned with a poppy by The Drumheller Legion's poppy chair Ed LaPlante to kick off the Legion's Annual Poppy Drive leading up to Remembrance Day. Boxes have been distributed to businesses throughout the valley. The basic purpose and obligations of the Poppy Trust Fund are to assist Canadian ex-service personnel and their dependants who are in need of assistance: Canadian ex-service personnel who have served on Class "C" reserve service and their dependants who are in need of assistance; Merchant Navy personnel who are eligible and their dependants who are in need of assistance; ex-service personnel of allied countries who are residents of Canada and their dependants who are in need of assistance; and ex-service personnel of Commonwealth countries who are residents of Canada and their dependants who are in need of assistance.

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