Golden Hills trustee censured at organizational meeting | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 12 Mar 2025 4pm

Golden Hills trustee censured at organizational meeting

    The Golden Hills School Division had some serious business to take care of at its organizational meeting last week.     The newly sworn in Golden Hills School Division had to censure one of its own.
    Returning trustee for Ward 5 Bob McKay was censured. His offense was disclosing confidential information provided to the board in camera contrary to the Trustee Code of Ethics.
    According to a summary of the organizational meeting, McKay disclosed personal information of an employee of the board, which is protected under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
    “I think no matter what the situation, the board needs to look at the things that need to be dealt with, and have a good discussion, make a decision and move on, and that is what the board was able to do,” said board chair Dave Price. “It was certainly early in our tenure but from my perspective it was handled professionally and while it is an unfortunate topic to deal with, it bodes well for the board working together and coming to a conclusion and being able to go forward.”
    Because of this, McKay is excluded from serving on committees of the board, or representing the board to external organizations for a period of one year.
     At the meeting on Tuesday, October 24, the new trustees were sworn in. Dave Price, who was acclaimed trustee for Ward 2, was elected board chair. Janet Bolinger of Ward 4 was acclaimed to the role of vice chair for the 2010-2011 term.
    Price was active before running for a seat on the board of Trustees as a member of Acme Linden Inspiring Visionary Education (ALIVE). The group was critical of the board and some of its decisions. He says changes at the ministry level may help the rural school division to move forward.
    “The biggest thing for us and for me personally is we’re pleased to see Minister Hancock coming out with his Inspiring Action on Education documents and his own comments about meeting to get the communities involved more in education itself. That is what I would really like to see because there is great strength working in each community as a part of the educational program, and ensuring that each community strengths are able to support the education of our students,” Price said.
    Previous to the new board of trustees being sworn in, former board chair issued a press release on Monday, October 25 to quell some “incorrect information” in circulation about the Golden Hills School Division superintendent Dianne McBeth.
    “Dianne McBeth is and will continue to be serving Golden Hills School Division as our superintendent. Dianne McBeth has the full confidence of the Golden Hills School Board, “ Kenworthy stated.
     When asked about the press release, Price said, “other issue, they are things we need to address as we move forward into our meetings.”

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