Town council submitted this letter to the editor today regarding the pride crosswalk planned for downtown Drumheller:
"Dear Editor,
As with previous Councils, this Council is working hard on many fronts - and one of them is to help make Drumheller a more welcoming and tolerant community. Some of thereactions, on social media and otherwise, regarding the Pride sidewalk show how far westill have to go in this area.
The rainbow flag is a symbol to the LBGTQ community of pride, freedom and the struggle for civil rights that continues across the world. Each stripe has a different meaning: red is for life, orange is for healing, yellow is for sunlight, green is for nature, blue is for harmony and purple is for spirit. Who could be against those things?
Council would like to say we were brave and progressive enough to have proposed this project but in reality it was proposed to Town Administration by private citizens and a local Pride organization. We applaud their efforts and this project has our blessing.
Any citizen sincerely concerned about the expense of this project can take comfort in the fact that no tax dollars have been allocated to this whatsoever, merely a location granted for it to exist.
Tolerance is a virtue, and as your Council, we would be proud to say that our community is inclusive and tolerant. We should aspire to be those things, for the betterment of all.
Respectfully submitted by
Kristyne DeMott
Jay Garbutt
Lisa Hanson-Zacharuk
Tony Lacher
Fred Makowecki
Tom Zariski
Mayor Heather Colberg"