Wheatland council to meet fire departments over controversial bylaw | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 10 Jan 2025 12pm

Wheatland council to meet fire departments over controversial bylaw


wheatland fire meeting

Wheatland County Councillors will sit down with representatives from affected fire departments before they proceed with the next reading of the new Fire Services Bylaw.

This came in the form of a motion from Divison 1 Councillor Jason Wilson after more than a three-hour discussion at its council meeting Tuesday afternoon, August 14.

The new bylaw is to amalgamate three older bylaws, bringing the departments into compliance with OHS regulations, limit liability and apply fire services in a consistent manner, with minimum levels of service.

Council had previously given first reading of the bylaw, and the meeting on Tuesday afternoon allowed Wheatland’s legal team an opportunity to explain the bylaw and some of the amendments that have been made. It also allowed for feedback from the audience.

“Right from the start I believe we could have done a better job of communicating our plans as a county,” said Councillor Wilson. “I guess it took a while for everyone to get on the same page.”

“The point of government is to represent your constituents. I think we finally did that.”

County fire associations have panned the plan, pointing out many issues they would like to see changed. The process has divided the county and the departments. Council Chambers was at standing room capacity as ratepayers, firefighters and municipal leaders voiced their concerns.

  “The morale of the fire departments that are represented here is horrible,” said Rockyford Mayor and firefighter Darcy Burke. ”When we talk about a lack of respect? Absolutely. There has not been the style of respect to these firefighters that should have been presented by this council. It hasn’t been there for the associations.”

“When you see a bylaw that encompasses ownership, regional fire chiefs, deputy regional fire chiefs, setting up command structures, you are setting up discipline actions. That needs to be discussed openly and not in this forum.” said Burke.

Reeve Glenn Koester said the purpose of the meeting on Tuesday was to hear concerns from the departments and residents so council and administration have direction to make amendments.

“We can amend this bylaw. That is the object of the meeting today. If you don’t like what is in it, then tell us how you would like to see it changed,” said Koester.

Many in the audience would like to see the bylaw scrapped, while others thought there may be more options.

“I want to encourage council to look at all aspects because there are many ways to solve a liability problem,” said Elaine Bellamy. “We all want our farms to be safe, we want Wheatland County to be safe, but I just encourage you to not necessarily go down one road when there might be some other avenues you could explore that could accomplish this same protection for the council.”

Others voiced that more consultation should take place.

“When you are dealing with volunteers, I think that consultation ought to be the first route. You are dealing with people who have given countless hours of their lives to the communities. You are dealing with people who have donated assets to these communities,” said Brenda Keleman-Tkachuk.

“The responsibility of the municipality pre-existed and it was managed with these contracts. When you have volunteers working I think it is best to have them onside lest you lose them.”

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