DVSS Connections Program for young women | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 10 Jan 2025 12pm

DVSS Connections Program for young women

tree of virture

    The Drumheller Valley Secondary School (DVSS) Connections program is an accredited leadership program that six students are currently taking.  This leadership program has encouraged the youths to have the responsibility to undertake a project that will have a positive impact on school culture.
    Aspects such as leadership and individual skills are enhanced through this project. Connection engages the potential to become an affirmative ambassador of optimism and interdependence in the school and the community.  
    They chose a mural to be done in the school and Principal Curtis LaPierre suggested the library.  The words on the mural were hand picked by the Connections group and the basis of this project is based on self-love, self-worth and to improve the school culture. Students wrote inspirational words on the flower petals.  Partners who helped financially or artistically were Jamie O’Brien, Image Crafters and the Alberta Treasury Branch who is selling calendars on their behalf and donating 100 percent of the proceeds back to Connections to pay for the murals expenses.    
    Youth Speaker from Young Women of Power (YWOP) Alison Springer came and spoke to the students. This presentation was funded through the FCSS program in Drumheller.          YWOP is a nonprofit grass roots organization that builds the confidence of young women by providing four main pillars.  Helping girls see their beauty, teaching them street smarts for preventative measures through wisdom, showing them that they are women of great power who can make a difference globally and locally when they think big and lastly, inspiring them to be honourable woman who live out of their principles.

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