No concerns over drinking water supply | DrumhellerMail
Last updateMon, 17 Feb 2025 11am

No concerns over drinking water supply

    Along with the property damage caused by flooding, drinking water can easily become contaminated.
    The Mail has learned there are currently no concerns over Drumheller’s water supply. Drinking water should remain safe, provided flooding remains minimal.
    “At this point, most of the things that happened in 2005 helped us prepare. Because this is looking like a one in ten year event, our water supply should be pretty safe,” said Paul Salvatore, Director of Community Services with the Town of Drumheller.
    However, residents should still prepare for the worst.
    “We always recommend if people have containers, to fill them up with water,” said Salvatore.
    To prepare, have at least two litres of water ready per person per day. Any water should be placed in small containers that can be carried easily in the event of an evacuation order. Also, have water purifying tablets ready just in case.

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