Town assessing flood mitigation areas | DrumhellerMail
Last updateMon, 17 Feb 2025 11am

Town assessing flood mitigation areas

    The Town is assessing areas that it needs to mitigate damage from imminent flooding.
    Shortly after 9 a.m. today the Town of Drumheller issued a release saying flow levels are expected to peak between 700 and 1,000, cubic metres per second, far below the levels of 2005 or the one in 100 year flood level of approximately 1,500 cubic feet per second level.  This could change as the day progresses.
    The Town of Drumheller’s Emergency Operations Centre has been activated and right now they are looking at a plan to mitigate low lying areas.
    “Right now we have Bill Hunter and Ed Palm doing shots and elevations. There are some areas the town is aware of that could flood,” said Mayor Terry Yemen.
    He said there are small areas in East Coulee, Lehigh, Rosedale and Nacmine that are low lying and the town may begin to build berms to mitigate the rising water. The have secured material for berming and have contractors available if need to help in construction.
    The water elevation at the Dickson Dam is expected to peak at noon, and it will take 28 to 30 hours before that water will reach the valley.
    The Emergency Operations Centre has activated inmates at the Drumheller Institution to begin filling sand bags and they will be available to those with a demonstrated need shortly at the Town Infrastructure Shops at 117 7th Ave SE.

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