Sports, Recreation and Arts Expo kicks off | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 12 Mar 2025 4pm

Sports, Recreation and Arts Expo kicks off

    Parents and kids are invited to the community Sports, Recreation and Arts Expo which kicks off on September 7 at the Stampede Barn in Drumheller.

    The expo event is free to attend and offers parents a place to meet groups, clubs, ask questions, and register  under one roof.
    This year there will be over 30 exhibitors at the Expo. It is also a great opportunity for the community clubs to receive feedback from the community.
 “The response has been great from the community,” said Cathy Smoliak the founder of the Sports Expo.
    There will be a concession available, demonstrations from various clubs and entertainment by Kidztown. Kids will be able to participate in the demos and also there will be activities for the kids.
    Cathy Smoliak has a lot of future plans for the Expo and feels there is a need for it in the community. Having the event all in one place offers convenience for parents to have access to the different clubs in one area.
     “I would love to hear suggestions from the community to see other ways they would like to see it grow,” Smoliak told The Mail.
    Hours at the expo today are 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

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