How long have you lived in Drumheller? 28 years, since I was 10.
Employer: Drumheller Aquaplex.
Job title: Instructor Extraordinaire.
What do you like most about the valley? My boss, the pool, the arena, and soon to be the new gym at DCHS.
What would you change about Drumheller? To have more sporting events for people over 40, like the Dinosaur Half-marathon.
What’s in your CD player? The Beatles, A Hard Day’s Night.
Favourite colour? Red.
Favourite food? Squash with marshmallows on top.
Where do you want to travel to most?Back to Maui, I love it there.
What would you do with $1,000,000? I would take my family and friends to Maui, and the rest I’d donate to Alberta Children’s Hospital and ChildFind.
If Prime Minister, what would be your first act in office?Stiffen the punishment for drunk driving.
Words of wisdom? Here to win.
If you were on a desert island, what three things would you bring? My boys – Mike, Landon, and Sam.
Dream car? A brand new Ford Explorer.
Team Edward or Jacob?I don’t know what that means, I told you not to ask me that.
Who’s your hero?Michael Landon from Little House on the Prairie, Victor Davis – an Olympic swimmer who was killed, and Princess Diana.
If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who’d it be?Michael Landon, my grandpa, or my friend Tinker. I’d serve them potatoes and wild meat.