Who Are You? Lydia Summach | DrumhellerMail
Last updateTue, 24 Dec 2024 1pm

Who Are You? Lydia Summach

whoareyoulydia.jpgEmployer: Cafe Ole
Job Title: Barista
Are you from Drumheller? No. I spent my early years in Kenya, the rest were spent in Saskatoon.
Hobbies and interests? Painting, photography, making hot drinks and reading.
Dreams or goals? Build a house in the country, raise a family, freelance as an artist/photographer.
If you could travel anywhere, where? Eastern Europe.
Favourite food? Fresh food from the garden.
What’s in your CD player? Folk/Alternative
Words to live by? The gospel.
Dream car? BMW
Who would you like to meet? My future children.

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