Who Are You? Gaylene Hollingsworth | DrumhellerMail
Last updateTue, 24 Dec 2024 1pm

Who Are You? Gaylene Hollingsworth

who-are-gaylene.jpgAge: 43
Employer: Shoppers Drug Mart
Job title: Cash Manager
What do you like about your job? The atmosphere, co-workers, customers, and products.
Hobbies and interests?Music, computers, dancing, and travelling.
Dreams or goals? Be happy and healthy.
What’s in your CD player? Pink.
Where would you like to travel? Anywhere, but the first place I’d go would be Egypt.
Who would you have dinner with, dead or alive? Angelina Jolie, she’s kind of my idol, very strong and independent.
What would you do with $1,000,000? Pay off debts, and travel.
Dream car? Firebird convertible, white.
Favourite movie? Grease, I could watch that over and over. Or the Breakfast Club.
Favourite actor? Nicholas Cage or Jean-Claude van Damme.
Favourite food? Anything hot, Italian and Mexican.
Words to live by? Don’t take things to heart, and always be kind.
If you had a time machine, where and when would you go? The 1980’s in Manitoba, it’s where I grew up and I’d change everything.

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