Wha Are You: Matt Thomas | DrumhellerMail
Last updateSat, 04 Jan 2025 11pm

Wha Are You: Matt Thomas


Age: 18
Current Occupation:
Chef’s Assistant at Bernie & The Boys Bistro
How did you become interested in that work?
I took Foods Class in school and really enjoyed it, so stuck with it.
What’s your favourite thing to cook and why?
For myself, probably steak or burgers. They’re fairly simple and quick to do for  myself.
How do you like your steak?
Depending on the chef, I’ll go blue rare or rare.
Do you watch the food shows on TV?
I listen to food shows through an app on my iPod.
Would you like to open your own restaurant one day?
Yes, if the opportunity came up. I’d probably start with a little bit of everything from wraps to seafood to salads and steaks.
What do you enjoy most about your work?
Probably the great staff. They’re fun to be around and make for a great work environment.
How long have you lived in Drumheller?
My entire life.
Is there anywhere else you’ve dreamed of living?
There’s a few places. I’d like to live where there’s less cars and roads, and more trees and dirt. Or by a beach and an ocean.
So you need Matt’s Steak and Crab Shack, on a beach...
...With a house connected, and a surf shack, and I’d  have everything I need.
What do you do in your downtime?
Not much in the winter. Summer I  longboard, skateboard, play sports.
What’s a favourite saying?
We’ve got money for wars, but can’t feed the poor.- Tupac Shakur.
Final thought?
If you’re nearby, check out Bernies.

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