Who Are You? Detective Phibbs | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 10 Jan 2025 12pm

Who Are You? Detective Phibbs

Age: That information is classified!
Occupation: Detective. I’m a detector of prevarications, hyperboles, white lies, and whoppers.  
What do you like most about your job? Watching folds squirm while hooked up to my lie detector machine.
Where are you from originally? Ottawa. I was very busy there!
How long have you lived in the Valley? Since October 20.
Any hobbies? Playing Clue with my good friend the Truth Fairy.
Do you collect anything? Handcuffs, cold cases, and anything hard-boiled.
What Halloween candy could you eat indefinitely? Do doughnuts count? How about Reese’s Pieces? Nerds? Snickers?
What is the scariest movie you’ve ever seen? Kindergarten Cop. Arnold and a room full of giddy five-year-olds equals sheer terror.
Who would play you in a movie/TV show? Kojak of course. “Who loves ya, baby?”
What would be your theme song? Henry Mancini’s “Peter Gunn.”
What’s your most memorable childhood toy? My fedora and clip-on tie.
What superpower would you want? Green Lantern’s telepathy. I would only use it for good and never at a poker game. Flash’s speed, so I could play badminton against myself. Last, Superman’s strength to scare the pigeons at the Atlas Coal Mine.

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