Page 5 - inSide Drumheller Nov 7 2014
P. 5
inSide Drumheller | Friday, November 7, 2014 - 5


the MOST out of your advertising dollars
Place your ad in this newspaper
with a combined circulation
Larry BARBER and province wide $ plus GST/HST
of over 800,000 for only... 995
Value Ad Network
Age: Much younger than He armed and loaded the Alberta Weekly Newspapers Association
Trevor Gough. aircraft with the bouncing toll free 1-800-282-6903 x228
Occupation: Station bombs. email
Manager, Great Prairie My other grandfather or visit this community newspaper
Oilfi eld Services Ltd. served with the Royal
Canadian Air Force during
How long have you been
World War II constructing
doing that?
I’ve been in the oilpatch runways and things of
since 1993. Graduated the that nature. Christmas Assistance
school of hard knocks. Did you serve with the Registration

How long have you lived military?
I joined when I was 18, Wednesday’s November 19, 26 &
in the valley?
Moved here in serving with Princess December 3, 2014
1997-transfer with Patricia’s Canadian Light
work from Infantry and From 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Estevan,Sask. the Airborne Call to book your appointment @ 403-823-2215
Regiment. SHOW DATES
What do you If you are in need of extra support this holiday season, we can Nov. 20 - 22 & 25 - 29 at 7:30 p.m.
miss most What
help. We will be taking applications for Holiday Food and Toy Nov. 23 at 2:00 p.m.
about living was your
there? favourite
Rider pride ration to eat?
and Rider Beef Please bring the following to your appointment:
Nation. Stroganoff , 1. Photo ID for adults in family Tickets $25
but I always
So you’re a 2. Identifi cation for children (i.e. birth certifi cate/or AB Health) available online at
Stampeders 3. Proof of residency (i.e. driver’s licence, utility bill, lease, etc.)
fan now? k45c46h
(laughs). No. Sauce with 4. Proof of income and expenses (i.e. pay stub, bills or receipts) or call 403-823-PLAY (7529)
Though I me, let’s put it
do like the that way.
Flames. They’ve grown on Would you recommend
me over the years. service in the military? Friday Buff ets are Back! k45c47h
Absolutely. Any young
As Remembrance Day
person uncertain or at
approaches... Dinosaur Trail
Both of my Grandfathers undecided...It gives you
served in World War II. direction, focus and self Golf & Country Club
confi dence.
In what capacity did
they serve? Final Thought? Due to popular demand, Chef Peter McDiarmid
My Grandfather that I encourage the Town
served in England was of Drumheller to is once again bringing back his SAVINGS
with the Royal Air Force. come out and support Famous Friday Buff ets
He was a Warrant Offi cer the November 11 EVENT
and armorer, and part of Remembrance Day November 14 Menu NOW UNTIL
the Dam Busters group. Service. November 14 Bacon Wrapped Meat Loaf NOVEMBER 9, 2014
Chicken Cacciatore
To nominate the next Who are you? November 21 Beef Stroganoff
Please give us a call at 403-823-2580, fax at 403-823-3864
or email November 28 Pan Fried Potatoes
Mashed Rutabagas 3 DAYS STOREWIDE
Beef Barley Soup
11:30 am
Various Salads
- 1:30 pm Fresh Homemade Buns ONLY!
inSide Treat your staff to a Pete EVENT
Peter’s Famous
Treat your staff to a
Homemade Desserts
wonderful meal in our
Happenings wonderful meal in our future menus will be ADDITIONAL
beautiful clubhouse!
beautiful clubhouse!
released next week
Playing at The Napier Theatre...Interstellar. 20%
Adults $13.95 • Children 12 and under $7.95d lt $13 95 Child 12
November 5 - Thursday, November 13. 7:30 pm. Closed ^
To reserve your table please call 403-823-5622
St. Rita’s Parish or email offi f45cs NOT VALID ON MARKS.COM
Friday, November 7, Rockyford:
Turkey Supper & Bazaar. Rockyford Community Centre. §
Hand Hills ALL
Saturday, November 8, Hand Hills:
Ranchers Ball at the Hand Hills Club Community
Centre. Tickets $50.00. Annual Christmas
Annual Dalum OUTERWEAR
Sunday, November 9, Dalum:
Christmas Market at the Dalum Hall. 11:00 am - 3:00 Bazaar
Sunday, November 9, Delia: Delia Elks and Delia Monday, November 17, 2014 %
Royal Purple Pancake Breakfast. Delia Community UP TO 40 OFF
Hall. 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. T-MAX
Saturday, November 15, Drumheller: Fall Luncheon Drumheller Hospital and WOMEN’S HOODED
at Knox United Church. 11:30 am - 1:00 pm. 195 3rd Continuing Care Centre HD2 3-IN-1 DUFFEL
Ave. E. $9.00 per person. Everyone is welcome. WITH
Spaghetti 351 9 Street NW LINER
Saturday, November 15, Drumheller:
Dinner and Silent Auction. Canalta Cretaceous
Conference Centre. 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Adults Recreation Multi Purpose Room
$15.00, Youth $13.00 and children 5 and under free. and Hospital Cafeteria
Monday, November 17, Drumheller:
Christmas Bazaar. Drumheller Hospital, recreation 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
multi purpose room and hospital cafeteria. 10:00 am Our Reg. $199.99 Our Reg. $149.99
- 3:00 pm SALE $119.99 SALE $89.99
Style Shown 7BWDWRFW4-630
Style Shown 7AVEDHFB4-2800
November 20 - 22 & November 25 - 29, Drumheller: Come get a start on your Christmas shopping. WITH THE
Kaleidoscope Theatre. Nunsensations! 7:30 p.m. also a A variety of vendors will be featured. PLUS 20 % STOREWIDE
showing on November 23 at 2:00 p.m. Tickets avail- f45c46s TAKE AN ADDITIONAL OFF EVENT
able on only at 408-823- WORK (9675
. Greentree Mall • Drumheller
Storewide event valid in AB, MN, and SK only.Excludes gift cards. Our regular price. Applies to our regular priced items only. Prices in effect November 5–9, 2014 or while quantities last. Regular prices
shown are those at which the items have been sold by Mark’s Work Wearhouse Ltd. Typographical, illustrative or pricing errors may occur. We reserve the right to correct any errors. To find the Mark’s
nearest you, call 1-866-807-1903 or visit Lifestyle images presented in this advertisement may not be available.
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