Page 2 - inSide Drumheller Nov 7 2014
P. 2
2 - Friday, November 7, 2014 inSide Drumheller |

inSide Movember-mania strikes again
Patrick Kolafa
STREETERS ASK THE | inSide Drumheller Th is will include prizes
for Best Mo, Best Styled,
November 5th was Most Challenged and
Take our Kids to Work It’s that time of year most money raise.
Day, and Grade 9 EXPERTS again, where men join Th e Chop Shop in
students were taking the fury faced fraternity, Drumheller is adding
part. Kids spent the and wives and girlfriends another twist to your
day in the workforce, cringe. moustache. Cathy Morse
learning the ropes. Q: H Yep, it’s Movember. is hosting her fi rst ever
How can you keep your hair looking clean
Th e month long glob-
Movember Moustache
between shampooing?
A: A dry shampoo spray. This product absorbs the al campaign pits man shave to succeed Cuts 4
Cancer. She has pledge
against his hair in an
attempt to produce a
sheets at the shop and
natural oils from your scalp and refreshes the look of
your hair.
28 as shave day, where
Th e campaign is to raise
then dry hair • 3rd spray the dry shampoo spray at your roots in 1’
t • • 1st shampoo and condition hair • 2nd use regular styling products marvelous moustache. has selected November
sections • 4th style hair awareness and funds for participants get their
Enjoy clean looking hair for 2-3 days between shampoos
men’s health issues, in faces back. Th e goal is
particular prostate can- to raise funds for the
Janet Schrock - Stylist cer, testicular and men’s Drumheller Area Health
Carmanah Olbrich mental health. Groups in Foundation. For more
from St. Anthony’s Want more great tips, plus a Drumheller are lining up information, contact the
School participated great cut and colour? Book your to join. Chop Shop at 403-823-
with inSide Drumheller appointment today with one Bob Boyce is lead- 2466.
and asked students ing the Drumheller Fire The Mail/ inSide
“What was the most of our pro stylists today! Department into the Drumheller are giving
interesting thing that November campaign. participants a chance to
you learned today?” Th is is the second year get a boost in their fund-
the department has par- It’s still early but Bob Boyce raising eff ort and show ticipated. Boyce said his top Greg Lemieux, bottom, off their progress. It has
110b 3rd Ave West, Drumheller • 403-823-8385 main goal in participat- and have the makings for a its own Movember Chal-
k43eow45s ing is to raise awareness successful Movember. lenge and is inviting Mo
in the younger members Bros to send us a before
of these health issues. He O’Shea’s is again par- picture and then update
says this is the one time ticipating and is inviting by November 27. Th e
of year when the spot-anyone who wishes to Mail/inSide Drumheller
light is shone brightly on join. Th ey can do so by will post the photos on
Pet of the Week
men’s health. contacting team captain its Facebook page and
Megan Boland Other perennial teams Heather or Tim, calling whichever photo gets
Worked with mom at Drumheller & District Humane Society this year include the- 403-823-2460, or search the most likes will win.
St. Anthony’s School
“The marking was hard Electric Lip Warmers, them on www.movem- Five winners will be de-
work, but the photocopier led by Patrick Char- clared and they will re-
was fun to use.” ron of ATCO and Greg Th e O’Shea’s Movem- ceive a $20 gift card for
Lemieux is on the “Mof- ber team will be ending Drumheller Co-op and
fi cals,” a team made up of the campaign on No- a $20 donation to their
hockey offi cials. vember 29 with a blow- Movember campaign.
out Movember bash.
My name is Casey, to get started I absolutely love to be
petted on my head, neck and shoulders, then when you get
to my belly, well I won’t want you to stop. I have long
beautiful fur and if your gentle I will let you groom me. Food for
I long for the day to be in my forever home, come by and
visit it sure makes my day brighter and who knows there thought
may be a spark when we meet!
Parker Ramsbottom Please phone 403-823-8999 • 1121d South Railway Ave.
Worked with dad at • Lori Stefanishion
“The meetings were This week's pet brought to you by: inSide Drumheller Food Columnist
tougher than I expected.” Dr. D’s Awesome-Asiago- 1. In a bowl mix ½ sriracha sauce and the
Artichoke-Chicken Pasta spices with the chicken.
Ingredients: 2. Add olive oil to pan and cook garlic, onion
and chicken on stove top over low heat for
Open 7 days a week 3-4 cloves of garlic, chopped 10 minutes.
3. Meanwhile, boil water for the pasta.
1 red onion, chopped
167 Centre Street, Drumheller
4. Add mushrooms to stove top mixture and
2-3 smaller chicken breasts, cut in bite-sized cubes
k45c50cs 1/2 cup Sriracha sauce, divided 5. Add peppers, tomatoes and artichokes
• 403-823-3784 • 2 Tbsp. olive oil cook 10 minutes longer.
along with the liquid. 
1 Tbsp. paprika
6. Cook on low heat - you don’t want the
1 tsp. cumin
chicken to dry out.
salt and pepper
Vince Salvatore 2 cups fresh mushrooms, cut into quarters 7. Add remaining sriracha sauce (and a dash
Worked with dad at the ½ cup roasted red peppers, drained and chopped or two of cumin if you like)
Town of Drumheller 1 cup chopped, marinated artichokes – drain but 8. Stir in whipping cream, 1 cup Asiago
“2.8 million people visited reserve ¾ of the liquid. cheese and the basil.
the Canadian Badlands ½ cup marinated sun dried tomatoes, 9. Cook pasta for 9 minutes, then
in 2008.” chopped drain and stir into the chicken
3/4 cup whipping cream
10. Simmer 5-7 minutes, just to let
1 ½ cups grated asiago cheese, divided
fl avors blend.
½ cup fresh basil, chopped
11. Before serving, add the remain-
2 cups bow tie pasta
ing ½ cup Asiago.
All rights reserved. The use of any or all of the material in this publication is prohi bited without
the express permission of the publisher. Any and/or all information found within this
publication may be displayed on the internet at the discretion of the publisher.
Eric Jensen drumhellerh llh ll
d d
Worked at Western GM O. R. Sheddy, Editor
“I worked in the Published every Friday O. R. Sheddy, Publisher
showroom and learned Office: 515 Highway 10 East, Drumheller, AB. Letters to the Editor are most welcome. They should be brief and to the point.
to order parts.” Mailing: Box 1629, Drumheller, AB T0J 0Y0 We reserve the right to edit letters for legality, clarity and taste. Letters must bear
Phone 403.823.2580 Fax 403.823.3864 email: the name, address and phone number of the writer. Anonymous letters will be discarded.
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