Page 8 - inSide Drumheller Mar 27 2015
P. 8
8 - Friday, March 27, 2015 inSide Drumheller |
For prompt Drumheller swim club ends
and courteous
successful short course season
service, call
403.820.0000 k12eow16p MIchele Scott
403.820.4461 | inSide Drumheller
heller’s Canadian Badlands
kGm˅GtG Aquatic Club (CBAC) have
finished up a satisfying and
Annual General Meeting successful season in short
course swimming.
Please join us as we
A number of the club’s
March 31, 7pm elect a new board of swimmers achieved per-
sonal bests this year at the
At the BCF directors and discuss provincial swim competi-
the future of markets tion, held the beginning of
infor March at Calgary’s Talis-
d in our community! man Centre.
cont Members of Drumheller’s Canadians Bad- an advantage, as the pool length is 25
Nine-year-old Ava Har- lands Aquatics Club finished up their short
Contact to apply or obtain more informa- rington achieved her first course season. Coach Sheila Martin said metres, so doing flip turns and an under-
tion regarding the board vacancies. All positions must be filled with dedicated ever meet qualifying time short course swimming gives swimmers
in Calgary, swimming the water kick every length helps propel the
and skilled members in order for this valuable program to continue in our 100 metre (m) individual
community. We look forward to seeing you at the meeting! medley. The medley con- swimmers.
sists of one 25m pool
k11c12s length each of the butterfly, inSide photo by Michele Scott
breast, back, and freestyle.
seasoned swimmers with placed 14th out of 50.” stroke, and 10th in the
“It felt important,” the the Drumheller club. Dobell also achieved 100m breast stroke.
young swimmer said, who
was taught the ropes from Harrington qualified au- personal best times in the Martin was the only
tomatically for the 2016 50 metre freestyle and the swimmer from CBAC who
DRUMHELLER provincials as a swimmer 100 metre breast stroke. qualified for the 400 me-
in the ten and under cat- tres, and ended up shaving
KING OF THE BADLANDS egory. “It was exciting to go off 2.47 seconds from her
1-877-356-5666 against harder competi- time.
Also attending provin- tion,” Dobell said, noting
1004 Highway 9 South, Drumheller, AB cials in Calgary was 14 this was her first time at- 17-year-old senior swim-
year-old Keely Martin; “It tending the provincials. mer Parker Knibb attended
JAMIE’S DEALS went good. I beat all my She would like to try to the Senior A Provincials
OF THE WEEK times in all my swims,” she qualify for the long course March 13 to 15 in Leth-
said. “50 metre freestyle provincials, so named be- bridge, achieving some
Jamie Worman was my best, and I took off cause the swimming is in a personal best times.
Sales/Leasing a second, which is really 50 metre pool instead of a
good, because the race is 25 metre pool. “I made it into the A final
only 50 metres.” of the 50m free and 50m
The long course provin- fly. I got a few best times
in there - that was a pretty
Demo Demo good feeling,” he said.
$54,998 Stock#14307a $38,995 Stock# 14388a Knibb clocked a time
of 26.06 in the 50m free-
2014 RAM 2500 LARAMIE 2014 RAM 1500 SPORT Drumheller’s Canadian Badlands Aquatics Club (CBAC) style, and a time of 26.97 in
ONLY 600 KM’S ONLY 600 KM’S swimmers that attended competition this spring, with the butterfly, to earn him
many marking personal bests. (l-r) Back: coach Sheila fourth place.
Dealer Demo, Black Apperance Package, Fully Loaded, Dealer Demo, Sport Premium Martin, Parker Knibb, Morgan Syvertsen. Centre: Annika
Leather Heated/Cooled Seats, 8.4”Touchscreen Seats, Alpine Stereo, Heated Seats, Remote Lassen, Keely Martin, Arielle Dobell, and at front are Em- Knibb competed in sev-
Start, Crew Cab, Sport Hood, Alpine Stereo, ily Martin and Ava Harrington. en events - five individual,
With Navigation, 6.4L Hemi, and two mixed (two boys,
TrailerTow Package, Remote Start , HID Headlights, LED Taillamps, inSide photo by Michele Scott two girls) relays.
Backup Camera, 4X4, FullWarranty, 20”Wheel/Tire Combo, Trailer Tow Package,
Martin also shaved 2.16 cials are scheduled for June “I was pleased with my
20”Wheel/Tire Combo Keyless Entry seconds off her 200 metre this year, with the location season, for both the effort I
individual medley swim, still to be announced. put in, and what I got out of
Ryan Tessier Jason Tessier Scott Schinnour Jamie Worman Justin Scott Jane Graham Donna Tessier Lasha where she placed 16th it,” said Knibb.
General Sales Manager Sales Manager Sales/Leasing Sales/Leasing Sales/Leasing Finance Manager Finance Manager Greeter overall. Twelve-year-old swim-
mers Annika Lassen and He adds he’s going to
We service ALL makes of vehicles (domestic & foreign). Call our service department today! f11c12h “My best race was the Emily Martin also had continue with his six-day-a
200 back,” said Arielle Do- great showings at provin- week training, to get ready
bell, 12. “I lost three or cials. Lassen came in 9th for whatever comes next,
four seconds off that, and in the 200 metre breast in addition to coaching the
CBAC swimmers ages 7 to
10 at Drumheller’s Aqua-
Cheer on the young
swimmers from the Ca-
nadian Badlands Aquatics
Club as they each aim to
swim 200 pool lengths for
the club’s annual swim-a-
thon fundraiser Saturday,
March 29, 9 to 11 a.m. at
the Aquaplex.