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inSide Drumheller | Advertisement Friday, March 27, 2015 - 5
Legacy tree grows on memories
“It’s not how much you give but how QUOTEof the badlands and make it a year round
much love we put into giving.” fair weather resort.’ It is kind of foreshad-
- Mother Teresa owing that he liked Drumheller and then I Blacksmith Craig Palmar of Old World Welding and Forage with examples
came to live here.”
Patrick Kolafa of the leaves for the Legacy Tree at the Badlands Community Facility. The
| inSide Drumheller “He will never see the Legacy Leaf but his
grandkids will and it makes me feel good Legacy Tree is a way for community members to commemorate a special
Would you consider a unique lasting way to inscribe his name for years to come. My
to recognize a special someone or event? To dad was also a tree-lover so it is fitting that person, milestone or event.
commemorate that special someone with a it will be engraved on a leaf.”
lasting memory? The Legacy Tree will be a inSide photo by Patrick Kolafa
special and unique way to do so. “The Legacy Tree is a unique
opportunity as it will allow you a
The Legacy Tree will be displayed per- chance to create a living memory.”
manently and prominently in the Badlands
Community Facility (BCF) near the Art Hansine Kostelecky
Gallery. Each leaf is a work of art, crafted Fundraising Cabinet chair
in iron by a local artist with a personalized
message laser etched in each. Taken as a Her story is not unique, many others in
whole it will be an impressive sight. the community are taking advantage of the
unique opportunity to remember a loved
“There are so many benefits to charitable one, while at the same time support the
giving; doing something to help someone recreation and education opportunities
else, being part of something bigger and no- provided in a facility like the BCF to area
ble,” said Fundraising Cabinet chair Hansine families. They are aiming for 100 or more
Kostelecky. community members to participate in the
Legacy Tree.
“The Legacy Tree is a unique opportunity
as it will allow you a chance to create a liv- To allow for as much participation as pos-
ing memory.” sible on the Legacy Tree, there are two leaf
prices at $500 and $1,000. You may split
She has supported the Legacy Tree as a your payments monthly from April to De-
dedication to her father and her fond mem- cember and you may make your payment
ories of him. Even long before she came to with credit card. Please contact Alison Rop-
make the valley her home, she recalls his pel at 403-901-6434 or stop by the BCF for
feelings about Drumheller. information and a donor brochure. Infor-
mation must be provided for your inscrip-
“My dad was an awesome guy who had tions by April 30, so the artist may complete
boundless energy and always carried a the inscriptions and assembly of the tree for
smile,” she recalls. a June unveiling at the BCF.
“When we travelled through Drumheller,
years before I lived here, he said ‘they should
put a dome over Drumheller from the tops
Together …
We Build a Community Fundraising Cabinet
The Legacy Tree is a unique way to recognize special people and events,
or remember loved ones. Create a memory that will last a lifetime.
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(These are illustrations of possible inscriptions of leaves of a similar style. The actual leaves will be metal with laser engraved inscriptions.)
Legacy is about life and living. It’s about learning from the past, living in the present, and building for the future.
Our Community worked together to build the Badlands Community Facility …
now is your opportunity to commemorate a special person, family milestone or event.
In June, a beautiful metal sculpture will be unveiled to honour our legacy donors in the Badlands Community Facility
(BCF) in Drumheller. The Legacy Tree will be created by local artist Craig Palmar (Old World Welding and Forge)
and will feature laser inscribed leaves.
This is your final opportunity to contribute to the Legacy Tree and honor a special event or special person.
For final assembly of the sculpture, all donations must be received by Thursday, April 30.
Two sizes of Legacy Leaves are available: for $500 (includes 2 inscription lines) or $1,000 (includes 3 inscription lines) donations.
Choose your own inscription to commemorate special people or memories.
Stop by the BCF to see a sample branch of the tree and to pick up a brochure.
All donations will receive a charitable tax receipt.
Contact Alison Roppel, BCF Fundraising Cabinet at or (403) 901-6434
for information and to donate with your personalized message.