“You’re always trying to assess where you’ll be years down the road, and that’s no different this year,” said head coach and general manager Dan Price. “We’re looking for really elite guys who can step in next season and even players who could contribute a couple years from now.”
Price said they don’t have a predetermined number of players they need to sign. They also aren’t focusing in on a specific type of player to build certain aspects.
“It’s broad across the roster, the good thing about our team is we’re very balanced. We have a deep defensive core, offensive core, and obviously Cheveldave is one of the best goalies in the league, so what we’re going to try to do is find good players who fit those molds to who will come up behind our current core veteran players when they leave.”
Price said the Dragons aren’t closing any doors at this camp, as any player of any age is a viable prospect if they can play to the level expected by the club.
“It’s all a matter of where a player is in his development, we aren’t looking at a particular age group,” said Price.
Returning Dragons will be helping out at the camp, acting as liasons for the young prospects, helping with coaching, and also acting as officials on the ice.
“You’ll see a lot of familiar faces out on the ice.”
The camp will be worth the trip for Dragons fans in the valley.
“You get to see the future of the team, these will be the guys who will be wearing our colours down the road.”
The club will also be hosting another Spring Camp on Easter Weekend in Cochrane, to reach southern players.
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