Valley Figure Skating names new power skating coach | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 12 Mar 2025 4pm

Valley Figure Skating names new power skating coach


    The Drumheller Valley Figure Skating Club is looking forward to another great season and is already on the ice.
    Typically the club begins its programs after Thanksgiving, however this year’s season began about a month early. Despite this, there are already 64 registered for the Canskate, and junior and senior programs. There are another 40 youth registered for power skating.           
   This year Mitchell Toffan will be coaching the power skating and pre-power skating classes. He is 16 and has been playing hockey for 10 years. He has completed his coaching and power skating courses.

    “He is well qualified and the kids love him,” said Valley Figure Skating Club president Koren McDougald.
    This year they are offering pre-power skating. This course is designed for youngsters who are committed to playing hockey in the future. They start right from the beginning training in full hockey gear.
    Back to coach is Rhonda Landon, who is head coach of the Canskate program. She is also coaching the junior and senior program with Sonja Koustrup. Alisha Wright is also coaching Canskate the  as well as junior program.
    McDougald says the club hosts testing dates and its ice carnival in March. They are planning to attend two fun meets; one is slated for February in Olds.
    McDougald says there are still spots available for those wishing to register for any of the programs the Drumheller Valley Figure Skating Club offers. For more information, contact McDougald at 403-321-0850.

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