Badlands Rugby joins with Red Deer club to field men’s team | DrumhellerMail
Last updateTue, 24 Dec 2024 1pm

Badlands Rugby joins with Red Deer club to field men’s team


    The Badlands Rugby Football Club (RFC) is joining forces with the Red Deer Titans to compete this season.
    The plan is to enter a joint men’s team in the Calgary Rugby Unions thirds league.
 “It is so both teams can submit a thirds (recreational division) squad and everyone gets a chance to play,” said Badlands RFC organizer April Harrison. “That allows us to bring rugby to the valley, so there will be games hosted in Drumheller.”
    The Badlands RFC began training last spring and joined with different clubs to get on the field. Harrison says it appears there is good interest in the valley, and also coming from Hanna.
    “Last year was great to get started and get some local guys who have never played before to come out for a practice and have a taste for a sport. When they wanted a game, we partnered with a team out of Bow Valley. So if the guys were available for games, they could join that squad,” she explains. “The best way to learn is to play and for our guys that was their first time playing rugby.”
    This week, Thursday, April 19, weather permitting, they are planning their first practice of the  season to gauge exactly what the interest is like.
    “We are hoping over the next couple of weeks to get people together, have people come and check it out and register,” she said.
    So far the plans are to field a men’s team and Harrison says they are grateful to the Red Deer squad for bringing their members along.
    She says there is strong interest from female players.
    “It depends on how many people show up and register. It is not desperately too late to enter a women’s team,” she said. “If not, if there are women who just want to come out and practice for the first year, they can. If there is the odd lady that actually wants to play games, the other teams are more than happy to allow people to join for games. The Red Deer Titans ladies are very excited if any of our ladies would like to join them.”
    Practice is slated for 7 p.m. this Thursday, April 19 at the DVSS field. Rugby is open to players over the age of 16. For more information and to keep up to date, go to the Badlands RFC Facebook page.

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