Canadian Badlands Aquatic Club swimmers competing in Summer Games | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 12 Mar 2025 4pm


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Canadian Badlands Aquatic Club swimmers competing in Summer Games


The Canadian Badlands Aquatic Club has exciting news concerning some of their swimmers. 

Annika Lassen and Emily Martin tried out for the Alberta Summer Games which are being held in Leduc on July 14-17. 

Coach of the swimmers, Shelia Martin, has the highest confidence in the girls. 

“In order to be chosen for the Alberta Summer Games, the girls had to be in the top three females of their birth year. I think they will do well.” 

Lassen and Martin are excited to be going to the competition together. 

“The girls are a month a part in age, but have different birth years, so they will be competing in different categories. They were so excited when they heard they would be going together. It is going to be a great experience for  them,”  says Coach Martin.  

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