Saints Junior B’s excel in rookie season | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 10 Jan 2025 12pm

Saints Junior B’s excel in rookie season

    The St. Anthony’s Saints Junior B-Team were young and strong as they cruised to the end of their season.
    The only other league team that had a junior B squad this season was Hanna, and they met on a couple of occasions. However, they were able to participate in a number of tournaments to learn the game and hone their skills.

The St. Anthony’s Junior B Saints had a busy season of tournament play. They are (back; l-r) Cassidy LeBlanc, coach Darci Paarup,  and Destiny Morse, with (front; l-r) Emily Wright, Kaitlyn Paarup, Jackie Ranger, Cayden Zacharuk and Charlotte Jones.

    “They improved much more than I could have foreseen,” said Darci Paarup who coached the young squad. “They showed up for everything and they all had an excellent attitude, which is something you don’t always see on a team.”
    The top moment for the team was a third place finish at a tournament in Duchess.
    “This was a highlight for them, because everywhere we went we were the only full rookie team,” said Paarup.
    They also saw tournament action in Three Hills and in Okotoks. Last week they finished up their season playing in Hanna.
    The team is made up of Grade 6 and 7 players, meaning they will have a strong squad returning next season.

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