Top 10 per cent world championship finish for Drumheller pool player | DrumhellerMail
Last updateTue, 07 Jan 2025 5pm

Top 10 per cent world championship finish for Drumheller pool player

    Drumheller resident Shawn Bulechowsky is hoping to do better next time he heads down to Las Vegas.
    On May 23, Bulechowsky and his pool team headed to Vegas to compete in the VNEA 2013 Vegas World Championships. Roughly 700 teams from across the world competed. Bulechowsky and his team placed 65th overall.
    Though they were in the top 10 per cent overall, Bulechowsky was hoping to do better.
    “We didn’t have two of our regular players, so we had to pick up a couple,” said Bulechowsky. “If we had our regular team, I think we would have been in the top ten. I was shooting well, Shane shot well, and our captain shot well.”
    Bulechowsky is hoping to post a stronger finish when he heads down to Vegas again on July 17 for the BCA Pool League National Championships. There are a few changes he needs to make to his game before he shoots.

Drumheller resident Shawn Bulechowsky had a chance to meet boxing legend Mike Tyson while in Las Vegas, where he was competing in the 2013 VNEA pool championships. Bulechowky’s team finished in 65th place overall out of roughly 700 teams. He hopes to go back to Vegas for the BCA pool championships on July 17.

    “I might go back again this year on July 17. It’s a BCA tournament, which is what most teams in Drumheller play,” said Bulechowsky. “There are a couple rule changes. The VNEA tables have a little bigger pockets compared to the BCA tables and the rails are faster. Once you go from these tables (in Drumheller) to tables in Vegas, if you’re trying to be competitive, you’re weight is going to be off each time until you get used to the tables.”
    The biggest highlight of the trip was a chance to meet and talk with one of boxing’s biggest names.
    “After we were done, we went over to Caesar’s Palace and Mike Tyson was there signing autographs. I bought a robe and asked him to sign it,” said Bulechowsky. “I gave him a big hug, shook his hand, and left.”

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