The Town of Drumheller has revived its rain barrel and composter programs, and this summer residents will have the opportunity to purchase both to decrease their footprint.
The Town of Drumheller has revived its rain barrel and composter programs, and this summer residents will have the opportunity to purchase both to decrease their footprint.
While it all might not go to the Town of Drumheller, local property taxpayers may see a jump on their bill.
On Monday of this week, Drumheller Town Council passed a bylaw to set its residential mill rate at 6.9857. This made a 4.6 per cent increase in tax dollars collected for residential and non residential taxes. In terms of individual taxes, Mayor Yemen said this amounts to about a 3 per cent increase for residents.
Tuesday, May 15, is a big day for Drumheller, it will be 99 years to the day since Drumheller was incorporated as a village.
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