News | DrumhellerMail - Page #648
Last updateMon, 30 Sep 2024 4pm

firefighters respond to yard fire

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The Drumheller Fire Department responded to a fire around noon, on Tuesday, June 29 on 2nd Avenue West, beside Newcastle Diamond One. Fire Chief Bruce wade said a resident was burning a woodpile in his yard. Wind and cottonwood fluff caused the fire to spread and get out of hand. The Fire Department responded with its bush buggy and Unit One. About 10 firefighters were on the scene.

Dinosaur Valley Half Marathon returns in September

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Runners have waited over a year, and this week, the organizers of the Dinosaur Valley Half Marathon announced this year’s event will be going on September 12.
The event, which features 5k, 10k, and a full half marathon celebrated its 10th anniversary at the last event in 2019. Because of COVID-19, the 2020 event was cancelled.
“It’s great news we are going to do the marathon this year,” one of the organizers Morgan Syvertsen tells the Mail. “We have the registration set up for it. You can go on to the website ( and register.”
The Dinosaur Half has been a popular race for locals and visitors, and over its 10-year history enjoyed strong participation. Organizers are hoping for an enthusiastic return for the race.
“With so many events being cancelled this year, there are a lot of people looking around for something to do. So hopefully they will hear about us and come out and join us,” he said.
There are still some concerns about restrictions. Syvertsen explains if Alberta reaches Stage 2 and 3 of the openings, which it appears to be poised to do, they should be able to run the race in the traditional way.
“The only thing I can foresee is if there are some kind of restrictions on the number of people who can gather in one place. Then we could do a rolling start, where people CHOOSE whatever time they want to start. They go to the starting line and start their timing chip,” he explains.
For more information, or to register, go to, or check out their Facebook page.

Save the Rosebud requests letter of support from Wheatland County


Members of Save the Rosebud, a concerned citizens group opposed to the development of a proposed racetrack facility near the hamlet of Rosebud, gave a presentation and requested a letter of support from Wheatland County council during the regular Tuesday, June 15 council meeting.
Save the Rosebud asked for a letter of support to send to Alberta Environment and Parks, along with some 700 letters from “grass roots Albertans” to request an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) on the proposed Badlands Motorsports Resort facility.
“An EIA is the right thing for the government to do,” Save the Rosebud member Wendy Clark tells the Mail.
The development of Badlands Motorsports Resort has been ongoing since 2008 when land was first purchased. The proposed facility is within the boundaries of Kneehill County, though borders on Wheatland County.
It is estimated the facility will draw more than 300,000 visitors per year.
Members of Save the Rosebud have several concerns regarding the impact the racetrack will have on the area--including to wildlife in the river valley.
Noise impact assessments were completed in 2009. However, Clark noted during the presentation these reports were “deficient” and do not address the impacts noise levels will have on species in the area, including the federally threatened bank swallow and a nesting pair of golden eagles.
There are also concerns about increased traffic along rural country roads and environmental impacts from the proposed modification of wetlands and stormwater containment systems on the property, which runs along the Rosebud River.
“We believe virtually any increased use of Wheatland’s narrow secondary access, with blind corners, cannot be safely supported,” Clark said during the presentation. “It puts residents who currently use it at risk, it would put racetrack users at risk, it would put emergency responders at risk, and I believe it would create a liability for Wheatland County.”
Due to new information received during the Save the Rosebud presentation, Division 6 Councillor Glenn Koester made the motion to send a letter of support to the director of Alberta Environment and Parks to conduct a provincial Environmental Impact Assessment.
During council deliberations Wheatland County Reeve Amber Link said, “There are certainly, potentially, impacts to Wheatland County due to the proximity of the potential development adjacent to our municipality. While development decisions are certainly within the jurisdiction of Kneehill County and I fully respect their autonomy in that, we also have a responsibility through governance of Wheatland County to ensure due diligence is being considered regarding this project.”
The motion was defeated with councillors Jason Wilson (Division 1), Tom Ikert (Division 4), Deputy Reeve Scott Klassen (Division 5) and Ben Armstrong (Division 7) voting against writing a letter of support; Reeve Amber Link (Division 2), Councillor Donna Biggar (Division 3), and Councillor Glenn Koester (Division 6) voted in favour of the motion.


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