News | DrumhellerMail - Page #562
Last updateMon, 30 Sep 2024 4pm

Morrin plunged back into election after council resignations

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Less than two weeks after the municipal election, the Village of Morrin has no council.
Residents of the village will be going back to the polls after two of the three elected candidates have resigned.
Returning Officer Annette Plachner explains on Monday, October 25, she received a resignation letter from councillor-elect Lynn Helton. And on the day of the Organizational Meeting, Ken Balacko emailed informing her he too has resigned.
This leaves M’liss Edwards the sole elected member of the council.
Morrin has been plagued by untimely resignations over the last term and the province so far had to appoint Harold Johnsrude as an administrator in December of last year.
Because Johnsrude was appointed to serve until the end of December, the village is wasting no time in holding a by-election which has been slated for December 13. Nominations are open.
Plachner said Balacko indicated he resigned due to health concerns.
Helton, who ran alongside her husband Howard in the election, was more pointed in her resignation email stating, “you can shove your whole village ‘where the sun don’t shine.’”
Plachner adds, following nomination day, Howard and Lynn Helton attempted to withdraw their names, but missed the deadline.
Edwards was sworn in at the Organizational Meeting last Wednesday and took her oath of office, but she is frozen as there is no quorum due to the resignations.
Plachner said residents are not impressed with the resignations.
“Last night (Wednesday) we had a few people at our meeting, and they were just livid, good people from the village,” she said.

Dr. Beach appointed health centre medical director

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Dr. Michael Beach at Drumheller Associated Clinic has been named facility medical director at the Drumheller Health Centre.
Dr. Beach learned he has been appointed recently.
“It basically means I have more work,” laughs Beach. “There are more administrative responsibilities, and I am responsible for more administrative work at the site. It is separate from anything to do with the clinic. It is strictly more of an AHS responsibility for the hospital,” he explains. “I don’t anticipate it means I have to step away from my family practice or alter my current practice in any way. But it means I probably will be busier at the hospital, especially the next little while, while we are dealing with waves of COVID.”
Dr. Beach has been in Drumheller for about four years and has a family practice.
“Basically, like pretty much any of the doctors
here, they are going to do emergency, and inpatients and then they are going to have their family practice. I also do anaesthesia, so I am in the operating room providing anaesthesia service, that includes things like epidurals for labour, Pretty full scope rural,” he said.
Dr. Dereck Maseka stepped down as being the medical facility director earlier this year. Since that time an interim medical director out of Olds had been appointed while the search process took place.

Crime statistics not reflective of 'whole picture'

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The second quarterly policing report and crime statistics for the Town of Drumheller and the rural communities served by the Drumheller RCMP detachment were released on Wednesday, October 20.
Statistics for the detachment area, which include within the Town of Drumheller as well rural communities such as the villages of Carbon and Delia and the hamlets of Rosebud and Rowley, show some significant changes in the number of files reported between 2020 and 2021; however, Drumheller Detachment Commander Staff Sergeant Ed Bourque says the statistics only make up part of the picture, and do not tell the whole story.
“We’ve been trying to get the word out and encourage the public to call in (small crimes),” S/Sgt Bourque tells the Mail.
Property crimes within Drumheller show a marginal increase of 12 per cent overall while these crimes saw a 33 per cent reduction in rural areas.
Within the municipal limits, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of Mischief - Other complaints, rising by 414 per cent from seven files in 2020 to 36 in 2021. It may appear, based on these statistics, property crimes are on the rise, but S/Sgt Bourque suspects this could also stem from increased community engagement.
Drumheller RCMP have been working hard to get the word out to the public “no crime is too small.” Reporting small crimes and suspicious activity can help the detachment develop a more conducive crime map, allowing officers insight where additional patrols or community interactions may be needed.
Through these additional patrols and community interactions there have been additional criminal code offences-specifically Failure to Comply and Breaches.
In 2019 and 2020 there were a total of 15 Failure to Comply and Breaches within the municipality, and zero in rural areas; these numbers rose to 23 within the Town of Drumheller, and 14 in the rural detachment areas in 2021.
Another area where the statistics do not tell the whole story is the rise in local Criminal Harassment files. There were a total of nine files in 2020, which jumped 100 per cent to 18 files in 2021.
However, S/Sgt Bourque says several of these files are related to a single, ongoing incident over the summer months.
Traffic enforcement also shifted dramatically, from 545 files in 2020 to only 98 in 2021.
This was due to a combination of factors, though S/Sgt Bourque says one of the biggest impacts was the transfer of a dedicated traffic enforcement officer with some nine years experience and training in March 2021.
In the absence of a dedicated officer, the detachment was conducting traffic enforcement as a group, though there was less focus in this area. S/Sgt Bourque noted a new member will be assigned to traffic enforcement in the coming weeks and expects these numbers will soon increase.


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