Dr. Beach appointed health centre medical director | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 12 Mar 2025 4pm

Dr. Beach appointed health centre medical director

Mike Beach 3 Copy

Dr. Michael Beach at Drumheller Associated Clinic has been named facility medical director at the Drumheller Health Centre.
Dr. Beach learned he has been appointed recently.
“It basically means I have more work,” laughs Beach. “There are more administrative responsibilities, and I am responsible for more administrative work at the site. It is separate from anything to do with the clinic. It is strictly more of an AHS responsibility for the hospital,” he explains. “I don’t anticipate it means I have to step away from my family practice or alter my current practice in any way. But it means I probably will be busier at the hospital, especially the next little while, while we are dealing with waves of COVID.”
Dr. Beach has been in Drumheller for about four years and has a family practice.
“Basically, like pretty much any of the doctors
here, they are going to do emergency, and inpatients and then they are going to have their family practice. I also do anaesthesia, so I am in the operating room providing anaesthesia service, that includes things like epidurals for labour, Pretty full scope rural,” he said.
Dr. Dereck Maseka stepped down as being the medical facility director earlier this year. Since that time an interim medical director out of Olds had been appointed while the search process took place.

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