News | DrumhellerMail - Page #3271
Last updateFri, 18 Oct 2024 11am

Jenn Beaupre to share new and old songs


    Local followers of the career of Jenn Beaupre will have another chance in the near future to see and hear her on the stage doing what she does best.
    Last time inSide Drumheller caught up with Beaupre, she completed a stint with the Moscow Ballet and was getting ready to perform at the Vancouver Olympics. Today she is set to take centre stage at the University of Calgary Theatre.
    “My tickets just went up on Ticketmaster on Saturday for a show October 7,” Beaupre said. “ It is a 500-seat theatre, so it’s ambitious.”
    In 2008, Beaupre released her most recent CD, Lullabies for Grown-ups, and has been working to support it. This year she breathed new life into some of the tracks after heading to Kentucky to re-record. 97.7 FM Radio in Calgary funded the trip.
    “Some of the songs are the same, and there are a few new ones,” said Beaupre.
    “It’s a little more mellow. The tempos are down but it is crisper and cleaner.”
    Another exciting development, she tells inSide Drumheller, is she shot her first video.
    “I have two dancers who are just beautiful. They have both been involved is So You Think You Can Dance Canada and they did a lyrical dance to one of my tunes called 'What If'," said Beaupre, adding while it is an older song in her repertoire, it was one she re-worked with Duane Lundy of Shangri-la Productions in Lexington, Kentucky.
    “It’s a really simple piano vocal,” she said.
    She hopes to include the video as part of her performance in October. She envisions live dancers on stage as she performs while the video plays as a backdrop.
    She also hopes to invite some of the artists she has worked with during her career, so the show has a cosy atmosphere of friendship.
    Her recent experiences of recording and the shooting of her video have moved Beaupre artistically to a point that she has begun to start writing again. This excites her and she is about to embark on an ambitious direction with her music.
    She said this might be the last “album” for her for quite some time. Because the music industry has been moving towards singles, she is following suit.
    “Hopefully I’m going to be releasing a new song every two months, be it through iTunes or the internet,” she said. “It seems to me the industry is moving towards singles and really quick turnaround. People can look forward to hearing new stuff very soon.”
    Those wanting to learn more about what Beaupre is up to can go to or visit her Facebook page.

Rumsey breeder enters Canadian horse at Battle of the Breeds


    A Rumsey horse breeder is bringing awareness to a steed that is not well-known, even in its country of origin.
    The Canadian helped build the country of its namesake. The Canadian descended  from breeding stock sent to what would become Canada in 1665 by Louis XIV. These horses were to be distributed among the elite military officers, government officials and clergy of the colony of New France, and to develop a breeding program in New France.
    These horses became the backbone of those settling, and the historic traits of an even temperament, heavy bones and hooves of steel were the traits that attracted the horse to Karen Anderson of Diamond A Canadians. She acquired her first Canadian in 2000, in search of a perfect family horse. She fell in love.
    “They are wonderful horses, they do whatever you want them to do,” said Anderson, who many may have seen at the Canada Day Parade on her mount Jewel dressed as a dinosaur.
    The horses are considered a light draft breed and their standard is 14-16 hands. They are known for their soundness, hardiness and endurance. While many are bred for driving, they are used in a number of disciplines. Anderson says because of their strength, endurance, solid feet and temperament they are often used for trail riding and as a family horse.
    Anderson says while there is 4,000-5,000 registered today, that was not always the case, and throughout their history they faced extinction a couple times.
    During the American Civil War, thousands were exported to the United States to be used as breeding stock and as roadsters. Because the bloodlines were not maintained it is possible the Canadian may have contributed to some of the  new world American Breeds such as the Tennessee Walker, Standardbred and Morgan. In 1886, in order to preserve the breed, the first registry for the horse was opened.
    The horse faced dwindling numbers again in the 1960’s and 70’s.  Private breeders stepped in where the national breeding programs and a breeding program of the Quebec government were discontinued and the horse has made a comeback. Anderson says there are about 10 breeders in Alberta. In 2002, they were recognized as an official symbol of Canada.
    Her stable is doing well in shows. Her mare Rose won the Grand Champion Halter Mare at the Annual CHARMD Show just last month, and Anderson and Jewel have been placing well a three-day eventing.
    This year she is part of a team entering the Battle of the Breeds at Spruce Meadows during the masters in September.
    There are four horses on a team at the Battle of the Breeds and they are put through the paces including dressage, driving, barrel racing, a trail class and jumping. They have competed before, and she says it was a learning experience. They are already making preparations for this year’s show.

Drumheller man gets probation for break and enter

    A young Drumheller man will be serving a year’s probation after pleading guilty to break and entering Fossil World.
    Cameron Weatherly, appeared in provincial court in Drumheller on Friday, July 16. He pleaded guilty to break and enter.
    The court heard how on April 21 Weatherly threw a rock through the window at the entrance of fossil world and stole money.
     A request for restitution from the owner asked for $4,750 for damages, but the prosecutor said he is not sure if the court had documentation for the amount. Weatherly acknowledged he took between $50 and $100 and agreed to pay $100 for the theft and restitution of $400 for damages caused to the business.   
    Weatherly also pleaded guilty to a breach of his release where he was not in his home after curfew. He also pleaded guilty to possession of property obtained by crime.
    On May 27, a person walking by the river left their MP3 player near the bank. He noticed Weatherly near the property, and when he returned it was missing. The person asked Weatherly if he took it. Weatherly denied, it and the victim called the police. After the police confronted Weatherly, the electronic equipment was returned.
    Weatherly had been in custody since July 1. The crown agreed the 15 days of pretrial custody was a fitting punishment, and recommended for one year’s probation. Judge Grieve agreed, and ordered Weatherly to serve a one year  probation order with conditons that includes a curfew and to abstain from alcohol.


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