News | DrumhellerMail - Page #731
Last updateSat, 21 Sep 2024 12pm

Province eases restrictions on restaurants, children's activties, indoor fitness

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The Government of Alberta has mapped a path towards easing restrictions, starting with the return to restaurant service, indoor fitness, and some children’s activities. 

Step 1 of Alberta’s four-step framework to ease restrictions is based on a COVID-19 hospitalization benchmark of 600, including intensive care patients. This benchmark was reached on Jan. 28. Come February 8 some restrictions on indoor dining at restaurants, as well as some school-related performances and sports-related activities, and indoor fitness, have been eased.

“Albertans have done a great job of bringing our numbers down from our peak in December,” said Premier Jason Kenney.  “We aren’t out of the woods yet, but there are opportunities where we can safely ease restrictions while also protecting our health-care system. This first step is a cautious one, and it will bring relief to many Albertans and Alberta businesses.”

Indoor and outdoor children’s sport and performance

  • Children’s sport and performance activities are permitted if they are related to school activities, such as physical education classes.
  • This will allow K-12 schools and post-secondary institutions to use off-site facilities to support curriculum-related educational activities.

Indoor fitness

  • Only one-on-one training is permitted for indoor fitness activities (e.g. fitness in dance studios, training figure skating on ice, one-on-one lessons). 
  • One-on-one sessions cannot interact with others and there must be a minimum of three metres distance between sessions in the same facility.
  • Sessions have to be scheduled or by appointment.
  • No drop-in for individuals or groups is allowed.
  • No sports games, competitions, team practice, league play, or group exercise of any kind.
  • Trainers must be professional, certified, and/or paid trainers who are providing active instruction and correction. Passive supervision of physical activity is not considered training.
  • Trainers should remain masked during the session; clients are not required to wear a mask while exercising.
  • More than one trainer and client ‘pair’ are allowed into the facility, studio, rink, court, pool, ice surface, etc., as long as: 
    • Each trainer and client stays three metres away from all other trainers and clients at all times, including in entryways and exits.
    • Each trainer only interacts with their assigned client, and each client only interacts with their assigned trainer.
    • No interaction between clients or between trainers is allowed.
    • No ‘cycling through’ multiple trainers, as in circuit training.

Restaurants, cafes, and pubs

  • Restaurants, cafes, and pubs must collect the contact information of one person from the dining party.
  • Up to a maximum of six people per table; individuals must be from the same household or the two close contacts for people living alone.
  • Liquor service ends at 10 p.m.
  • In-person dining must close by 11 p.m.
  • No entertainment allowed (e.g., no VLTs, pool tables, live music, etc.)


<600 hospitalizations
<450 hospitalizations
<300 hospitalizations
<150 hospitalizations
Potential easing in these areas:
  • Restaurants
  • Indoor fitness
  • Indoor and outdoor children's sport and performance (school-related)
Potential easing in these areas:
  • Retail
  • Banquet halls
  • Community halls
  • Conference centres
  • Hotels
  • Futher easing of indoor fitness and children's sport and performance
Potential easing in these areas:
  • Adult team sports
  • Casinos, racing centres and bingo halls
  • Indoor social gatherings, with restrictions
  • Indoor seated events (movie theatres and auditoria)
  • Libraries
  • Museums, art galleries, zoos, interpretive centres
  • Places of worship
Potential easing in these areas:
  • Amusement parks
  • Concerts (indoor)
  • Festivals (indoor and outdoor)
  • Funeral receptions
  • Indoor entertainment centres and play centres
  • Performance activities (singing, dancing and wind instruments)
  • Sporting events (indoor and outdoor)
  • Tradeshows, conferences and exhibiting events
  • Wedding ceremonies and receptions
  • Workplaces (lift working from home)

2020 - A Year in Review Village of Hussar

Corey Picture

The Village of Hussar has reason to celebrate 2020, from completing infrastructure upgrades, to overcoming financial constraints and cancelled events due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
While the village celebrates accomplishments in 2020, council is also looking forward to what 2021 will bring.
Hussar Mayor Corey Fisher says upgrades to the water and sewer system along 2nd Avenue East, from Centre Street to 1st Street East, were completed “on time and on budget.”
The village also completed demolition of the old Hussar School building.
The school grounds were purchased by the village and Mayor Fisher says the village has “begun the process of annexation,” which will provide additional space for future projects.
Big challenges for the village in 2020 were budget constraints posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the cancellation of community events such as Summer Daze and Canada Day celebrations.
Mayor Fisher says, “We overcame (budget challenges) through steady management and a common sense approach to dealing with the COVID-19 crisis.”
The village held a socially distanced Light Up The Night event, with viewing limited to drive through only, on Saturday, December 5.
Donations received from the event will be used for a new underground watering system for the Hussar Cemetery in the spring of 2021.
Other projects scheduled for 2021 include paving of a key intersection at Centre Street and 2nd Avenue, with work anticipated to begin in the spring.
“We look for a realistic ‘can we afford it’ approach for capital project spending and a ‘hold the line’ operations budget, while ensuring the village remains strong fiscally in 2021,” Mayor Fisher said.
The Village of Hussar’s council for 2020 is made up of Mayor Corey Fisher, Deputy Mayor Les Schultz, and Councillor Tim Frank.

Commander of Air Force flight school has local connection

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When Riel Erickson was made Commanding Officer of the pilot training school at CFB Moose Jaw, she had one local cheerleader who was proud to share the story with the Mail.
Patti Naegeli told the Mail that Lieutenant Colonel Erickson had risen to the position of Commandant of 2 Canadian Flight School, and she has a bit of a local connection. She is the daughter of Lloyd Erickson and Donna Kendall. They lived and worked in Drumheller when Riel was a little girl. Donna was the “Top of the Hill” correspondent for the Mail.
“Riel’s dad was head of security at the Drumheller Institution, and her mom was living unit officer,” said Naegeli, adding her daughter was in Moose Jaw for the ceremony.
Riel said it was community that got her there.
“I have said throughout my career is I have been very successful, but a lot of that is because of the support I received. Since coming into this job, it is great to hear from communities that are excited to hear about my story, but I have said all along I got here because of the support I got all along the way, including Patti and a number of people who knew my family and giving my parents support. That has meant so much to me.”
Riel completed her high school in Black Diamond, and it was early on when she was inspired to fly.
“My family didn’t have a lot of military background, but my uncle was a fighter pilot and he was actually in the first Gulf War and fired the first shot in war since the Korean War,” she said. “I would have been in Grade 6 or 7 at the time and hearing all the stories and watching him on the news, it was a very big deal in the family. In high school, when I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do, I remember all his stories and going to the Royal Military College (RMC).”
She was accepted into the RMC in Ontario and quickly immersed herself in the lifestyle.
“The people were a big aspect of it, the teamwork, going through RCMP the camaraderie was amazing,” she said. “When I started my flying training I thought ‘I didn’t really know if I really like this,’ but quitting is not in my nature. It seemed as the planes got bigger and faster, and performed better, I started enjoying it way more, and knew the only thing I should really do is fly these.”
She became the fifth woman fighter pilot in the Canadian Military.
“There hasn’t been a dull day in my entire career,” she said.
She continued to rise through the ranks and on October 2, she became Commandant of the pilot training school at CFB Moose Jaw, the first women to do so. The significance of this accomplishment is not lost on Erickson and she says it is a great first step.
“I always want to see more though. These are necessary steps to see more women in these roles in the future,” she said. “I am excited, and it is great. What is more exciting than me being the first, is I am not going to be the last.”
In her role as Commandant, she is in charge of making sure the school is able to achieve its mission of producing pilots for the RCAF. She makes sure her instructors can focus on the tactical part of the mission of training and flying. The base partners to assist in training NATO pilots, as well as non-NATO international countries. She will also assist in training.
“I work on the bigger issues so they can actually focus on the students,” she said.
She still does manage to get up in the planes though.
“It’s not as much, of course, as I would like, but one of the perks of this job is to still be able to stay in a cockpit.”


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