News | DrumhellerMail - Page #2504
Last updateMon, 30 Sep 2024 10am

What does it take to drive a chuckwagon?

    It takes a special breed of cowboy to climb aboard a chuckwagon or chariot and put themselves on the line. It’s those brave drivers that make chuckwagon races so exciting.
    Shane Cartier, president of the Alberta Professional Chuckwagon and Chariot Association (APCCA), took some time to share with The Mail just what it takes to grab the reins.
    “The physical and mental demands has two ends. When things are going good (team is running, turning and competing ) life rolls along pretty smooth and you’re always upbeat. You always try to get more competitive. When things aren’t going well, it can be stressful. Trying to figure out what to change to make things come around and work for you,” said Cartier.
    “The physical part can be demanding. They did studies at the UofC when I was running with the WPCA and we were told that driving 1 race was the same as a 1 hour complete workout. I’ve had 2 broken legs and a fractured neck over the last four years just to name a few.”

Shane Cartier, president of the Alberta Professional Chuckwagon and Chariot Association, driving his wagon. Cartier has had a 27 year career driving chuckwagons and in that time has broken two legs and has had a fractured neck. However, he loves driving and the family he has found among the other drivers.

    Cartier has been racing since 1986, where he started racing with the APCCA with his father and four brothers. In 2004, he joined the World Professional Chuckwagon Association (WPCA), where he posted six top ten runs and won the Calgary Stampede’s Orville Strandquist Award for Top Rookie Driver in 2007. In 2011, he returned to the APCCA.
    During his time with the WPCA, he remembers racing in Drumheller quite fondly.
    “I never ran in Drumheller until I went up to the big wagons and when I did, it was probably some of my best shows,” said Cartier. “I was second three years in a row!”
    However, perhaps one of the biggest bonuses of being a driver, according to Cartier, is the family-like atmosphere among the drivers.
    “The racing community is for the most part, just like one big family. We race together, we travel together and we help each other out no matter what happened at the races that day. We don’t always agree on everything but we do get over it quickly just like a good family does,” said Cartier.
    Despite the family-like community, there is some “sibling” rivalry.
    “All our shows in Alberta are point shows. There are standings right from the beginning of the year to the end. It’s been one of those years where five different guys have won the shows. No one has really been clearly out front,” said Cartier.
    Some of the top chuckwagon and chariot racers in the province will be in action over the weekend in Drumheller.
    From Friday to Monday, the Alberta Professional Chuckwagon and Chariot Association (APCCA), in association with the Drumheller Stampede and Ag Society will bring  back break-neck racing action to the Dinosaur Downs.
    “I think the best way to describe what I like about it is it’s non stop action,” said Shane Cartier, president of the APCCA. “Last year, we were in Drumheller and hopefully we can build things so we bring the fans back out to the races.  I can’t wait to get there and have the horn blow for 21 heats of racing per night.”

Traffic stop leads to cocaine seizure

Drumheller RCMP seized a one-kilo brick of cocaine following a traffic stop on Sunday evening.   

    Drumheller RCMP made a sizable seizure and have charged two B.C. residents after discovering a kilo of what is believed to be cocaine in their car.
    On Sunday, July 28, just before midnight, the Drumheller RCMP were conducting a check stop near the Gordon Taylor Bridge in Drumheller when they stopped a rental car.
    Following a conversation with the occupants and based on the officer’s training and experience, he determined there were reasonable grounds to suspect contraband in the motor vehicle.
    The occupants of the car were arrested and the vehicle was searched. Police located a one-kilo brick of what appears to be cocaine as well as a small baggie. It appears the drugs were destined for Saskatchewan.
    Broken down to the street level, its value could be $100,000.
    On July 29, Mohammad Ghasemi Nejad Kermani, 34, and Jennifer Yim Wa Li, 27, both of Vancouver, were charged with possession of a controlled substance for the purposes of trafficking.
    Both have been released on cash deposits recognizances and are slated to appear in provincial court in Drumheller on Friday, August 16.

Heart transplant recipient living life to fullest

Scott Ouellette tees off at the World Transplant Games in Sweden in 2011. (inset) Ouellette at the Canada Games in 2012 with Leslie Crawford (middle) and Dr. Debra Isaac (right). Both are directors of the Dear Heart Foundation and Dr. Isaac is also one of Ouellette’s transplant cardiologists.

    Scott Ouellette is alive today because another person somewhere took the time to make sure their family knew they were an organ donor.
    Ouellette is the manager of Acklands Grainger in Drumheller. In 2008, he was 28 and living the typical life of any man his age in Red Deer. He kept relatively active with golf and playing recreational hockey.
    He and his girlfriend had just purchased a home.
    One night, playing recreational ball hockey, he began having chest pains, sweating, and having a hard time breathing. Ouellette likes to push the boundaries and he played through the pain and finished up the game, despite his friends' and girlfriend’s advice.
    At 2 a.m., he couldn’t take the pain and was sent by ambulance to the Red Deer Hospital. Quickly he learned he was having a massive heart attack and was airlifted by STARS to the Foothills Hospital in Calgary. Ouellette had two blocked arteries. Doctors put a stent in one artery and a balloon in the other. He woke up three days later on a ventricular assist device.
    “This (ventricular assist devise) is basically a pump running the left side of my heart. The heart attack was so bad it killed all my aortic muscles, so my aortic valve opened once every eight beats... not enough to survive,” said Ouellette.
    This is shocking to anyone, let alone a 28-year-old man.
    “I was told there is a 99 per cent chance I am going to need a new heart,” he said. “It was a wake up call. I had no previous history, and no idea this could happen… all they said was there was no way at this age that I should have two blocked arteries.”
    His heart attack was on April 23. By the end of June, he was again pushing boundaries, golfing, using his ventricular assist device.
    Ouellette waited 113 days and received the call for a transplant.
    “I got the call on August 15 at 2:30 in the morning and I was in surgery at 4:30 that afternoon,” he said.
    After a 12-hour surgery, the heart took. In two months, he was golfing and back at work, and in five months, he was back playing hockey.
    “I’m kind of stupid that way, he laughs, “I push the envelope.”
    On the one-year anniversary of his transplant, he and his girlfriend got married.
    He has nothing but praise for all the support he received through this ordeal. Acklands was supportive by giving him the time he needed to recover, his parents were still living in Calgary during his recovery, which was a great support, and the medical community from beginning to end was incredibly professional and supportive.
    As expected, he had a whole gamut of emotions through this process. At one of the low times, his nurse in the hospital told him about the world transplant games.
    “She said, ‘do you know there is an Olympics for transplant people?… I’ll give you a contact and you can find out about it,’” Ouellette told The Mail.
    Ouellette's goal was to recover and make it to the 2011 games in Sweden. He achieved this and his wife and parents all came to see him compete.
    "There were 1,500 athletes from 51 different countries, all with various transplants,” he said.
    In 2012, he competed in the Canada Games in Calgary and earned three golds and a bronze medal.
    Ouellette's ordeal is something he carries every day, but at the same time it has never limited him. He has kept a number of items, including his original ventricular assist device. He sees the scars every day, and he will be on anti-rejection drugs for the rest of his life. He has also received correspondence from the family of his heart donor and learned her name was Kimberly.
    ‘It is a constant reminder,” he said. “Each day I wake up is a gift from her. She is the reason I’m alive.”
    He is fine with the reminders and he wants to share his story to help raise awareness. He has become an active member with the Dear Heart Foundation, which raises funds to support enriching the lives of cardiac transplant patients. He has volunteered  speaking at events and even meet with transplant patients to help them through the process.
    One of the main messages Ouellette wants to get out is to make sure you do more than simply sign your organ donor card. He explains that organ donations will not happen without consent from the family of the person, even if the card is signed.
    “The most important thing people can do is actually talk to their family and let them know their wishes. Most of the time doctors come to ask about organ donation, it is not long after you are told your loved one is not going to make it,” he said. “A lot of people think they want to harvest their body and not save them, but that is completely not the case. They do everything they can to save a life, before they even consider donations.”
    “I tell people at Christmas or Thanksgiving, bring it up.”
    A common reason for not donating he hears is “they wouldn’t want my organs.”
    “The one thing we say is let the doctor decide. You don’t know what shape your organs are in so let the doctor decide. There might be someone who gets your organ, or else dies,” said Ouellette.
    “People look at me and can’t tell I had a heart transplant unless I tell them. I always tell them because the only way we are going to get more organs for more people to be saved is through awareness.”


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