News | DrumhellerMail - Page #2725
Last updateTue, 07 Jan 2025 5pm

Shipping funds needed to make Christmas wishes come true

    While Christmas seems like it is eons away, The Morgan Jayne Project is hoping they can make it a reality for youngsters in the Roatan.
    The Morgan Jane Project is plugging away at its annual Christmas list, and it looks as though Drumheller residents have stepped up and have pledged to help families in need.
    However as the deadline approaches, one roadblock could stand it its way.
Making Christmas come in Roatan, simply put, costs money.  Shipping the dozens of gift packages for the families who truly need them, is a monumental fundraising task.
    So far Fred Makowecki says they have raised in the area of a quarter of the funds they expect they will need, and hope to ship the packages in less than two weeks. They hope to raise  another $6,000 to send the packages overseas.
    Riverside Value Drug Mart has lent its support and is collecting funds for shipping. Makowecki says they are grateful for any support they receive.
    This week volunteers are beginning the packing and wrapping process at Elim Pentecostal Church. Organizers are asking those who have pledged gifts to make sure they honour them as soon as possible so volunteers can set to work wrapping all the gifts. It appears the bulk of the families on the list have been spoken for.
    There is also a need for more volunteers to help with the wrapping, many hands make light work. Paula Peake is spearheading the packing and shipping. Tonight (Wednesday) a crew of volunteers is beginning to package the gifts at the Elim Pentecostal Church facility. They hope to make Wednesday night a set time to meet. She says there are other times available and to contact her at 403-820- 0766 to make arrangements.
    “If we have to add days later on, or if there is a group that wants to come on a different day, call my cell phone. I can always try to make it here, and the more people, the faster this process goes,” said Peake.
    For more information or to make a donation, contact Makowecki at 403-823-8082.

(l-r) Paula Peake, Angela Moreau and Cindy Thomas set to work getting ready to pack gifts for the Morgan Jayne Project Christmas Miracle. Volunteers are needed to pack the gifts. Funds are also needed to make sure the gifts arrive in Roatan before Christmas.
mailphoto by Patrick Kolafa

Pioneer Trail celebrates completion of renovations

    Members of the Pioneer Trail Society marked a milestone last Tuesday afternoon as they celebrated the completion of extensive renovations that has the community institution well poised for the future.
    The Pioneer Trail Centre has been serving the community and providing a meeting place and recreation for local seniors from their location on 3rd Avenue in Downtown Drumheller since 1977. President of the Pioneer Trail Centre Phil Bryant admits there have been little changes to the building during its history.
    That changed a couple years ago. Bryant explains they started with a renovation to the rear entrance of the building. This first change has served the facility well. Members can now safely and easily enter the facility from the back. This has helped alleviate parking at the front and has made the building more usable.
    The next step to the renovation was cleaning up the front of the facility. Many remember the building served as a grocery store for many years, and the look always seemed to reflect this fact. A fresh new awning has improved and modernized the look of the building.
    With the outside looking fresh, they turned their attention to the interior of the building. This includes brand new flooring, which has modernized the look of the interior and made it safer. A new coat of paint has brightened the interior. During these renovations the centre was able to secure a grant for a commercial grade dishwasher.
    Bryant explains the project costs came in at over $100,000, but one of the best part of the renovations, according to Bryant is they were able to complete these extensive changes without going into debt. They were able to secure grants for much of the work. He says, in fact, they are in stronger financial shape.
     A healthy crowd of seniors gathered for the celebration. Mayor Terry Yemen was present and the party included live music from Carl Dean and Joanne Moulton as well as a great selection of goodies. Long time Pioneer Trail member Lil Loughlin cut the ribbon for the new improved Pioneer Trail Centre.

Ethel Moar, left looks on as Lil Loughlin cuts the ribbon celebrating the completion of renovations at the Pioneer Trail Centre last Tuesday.
inSide photo by Patrick Kolafa

Tipple assessed for maintenance planning

    As an irreplaceable historical resource, the Atlas Coal Mine is making sure the tipple will remain standing for generations to enjoy and learn from.
    Last week Gordon MacDonald and Steve Lawrence of MacDonald & Lawrence Timber Framing were at the Atlas Coal Mine to assess the condition of the tipple.
    “We are looking at it in a more comprehensive way than we have ever looked at it before,” said Linda Digby, executive director of the Atlas Coal Mine.
    Digby said they completed repairs to the south end of the structure a couple years ago, and now are looking at the rest of the structure where the actual bins are located.
    “They are looking at every joint and every timber. They are actually drilling every structural timber to get a Resistograph reading that will tell us how sound the timber is,” said Digby.
    The Alberta Historical Resources Foundation and a Parks Canada cost-sharing program for the project funded the project. The Atlas has also contributes to the project.
    “The mandate of our preservation strategy is always to preserve as much original material as we can. The goal is to keep as much original as possible and only replace what is absolute essential, so this will give us the hard data we need to make those decisions over the next few years,” said Digby. 
    MacDonald and Lawrence’s expertise is in heavy wood structures, and they have completed many varied projects. The Atlas is an interesting project for the company.
    “When someone first looks at the tipple, it is this incredible maze of timbers. It looks like pick-up sticks and after working with it for a few days, and also working with the historic drawings, it reveals these quite simple, rational systems that are all just tangled together. Each of the individual systems are simple and make perfect sense once you can see it for what it is,” said MacDonald “That has been really fun, it is like solving a crossword puzzle.”
    Lawrence points out these are the first substantial repairs the structure has received in eighty years. MacDonald says just important as the original structure is the historical context of the wear and the repairs. It all goes towards telling the story of the building.
    “We don’t want to remove that stuff because it is all part of the exciting story of the place and how it was used and looked after. We want to make repairs to the underlying structure, but not change the story,” said MacDonald.
    The tipple was originally built in 1929 and Digby explains it was moved across the river to its present location. In 1937 the structure was rebuilt. At each of these phases changes were made to the structure. While the museum does not have every detail of the tipple’s lifespan, they are lucky to have the original blueprints for the structure as well as photo documentary evidence.
    “The big task now… is to come up with a method that will give the structure its integrity and enable the historic site to look after it in perpetuity, which is always our goal,” said MacDonald. “From what we have seen it looks like the tipple is going to require a fair amount of work to put it back in that condition, so that will be the big challenge for the Atlas over the next few years.”
    “There is no question it is a treasure and an important one at that, but in these economic times it’s tricky to find sufficient funding for a project.”


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