Shipping funds needed to make Christmas wishes come true | DrumhellerMail
Last updateTue, 07 Jan 2025 5pm

Shipping funds needed to make Christmas wishes come true

    While Christmas seems like it is eons away, The Morgan Jayne Project is hoping they can make it a reality for youngsters in the Roatan.
    The Morgan Jane Project is plugging away at its annual Christmas list, and it looks as though Drumheller residents have stepped up and have pledged to help families in need.
    However as the deadline approaches, one roadblock could stand it its way.
Making Christmas come in Roatan, simply put, costs money.  Shipping the dozens of gift packages for the families who truly need them, is a monumental fundraising task.
    So far Fred Makowecki says they have raised in the area of a quarter of the funds they expect they will need, and hope to ship the packages in less than two weeks. They hope to raise  another $6,000 to send the packages overseas.
    Riverside Value Drug Mart has lent its support and is collecting funds for shipping. Makowecki says they are grateful for any support they receive.
    This week volunteers are beginning the packing and wrapping process at Elim Pentecostal Church. Organizers are asking those who have pledged gifts to make sure they honour them as soon as possible so volunteers can set to work wrapping all the gifts. It appears the bulk of the families on the list have been spoken for.
    There is also a need for more volunteers to help with the wrapping, many hands make light work. Paula Peake is spearheading the packing and shipping. Tonight (Wednesday) a crew of volunteers is beginning to package the gifts at the Elim Pentecostal Church facility. They hope to make Wednesday night a set time to meet. She says there are other times available and to contact her at 403-820- 0766 to make arrangements.
    “If we have to add days later on, or if there is a group that wants to come on a different day, call my cell phone. I can always try to make it here, and the more people, the faster this process goes,” said Peake.
    For more information or to make a donation, contact Makowecki at 403-823-8082.

(l-r) Paula Peake, Angela Moreau and Cindy Thomas set to work getting ready to pack gifts for the Morgan Jayne Project Christmas Miracle. Volunteers are needed to pack the gifts. Funds are also needed to make sure the gifts arrive in Roatan before Christmas.
mailphoto by Patrick Kolafa

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