Drumheller Town Council Meetings | DrumhellerMail - Page #5
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Council Notes from Committee of the Whole Meeting Monday, January 15, 2024


Council Overview
Information from Drumheller Town Council of Committee of the Whole Meeting Monday, January 15, 2024

Drumheller Mayor Heather Colberg opened the meeting and passed the discussion to Councilman Tom Zariski about the property assessments and taxes. Starting in February, 2024, property owners in the town of Drumheller will receive their property assessment notice separately from their property tax notice.
Council adopted the Monday, December 11, 2023 minutes as presented.
Council adopted the information from the Thursday, November 23, 2023 Drumheller and District Seniors Foundation meeting minutes as presented. Councilman Tom Zariski was nominated for and accepted the position of Chairman. Zariski nominated Steve Wannstrom for the position of Vice-Chairman, which Mr. Wannstrom accepted.
Council adopted the information of the Drumheller Public Library minutes of Wednesday, May 17, 2023, Wednesday, August 9, 2023, Wednesday, September 9, 2023 and the Annual General Meeting minutes of Thursday, June 22, 2023 as presented.
Council moved to accept as information the Municipal Planning Commission minutes of Thursday, August 31, 2023, Thursday, September 14, 2023, Thursday, October 5, 2023 and Thursday November 2, 2023 meetings as presented.
Council accepted the request for direction of the Proposed Draft Business License Bylaw. Changes to the Bylaw are to include the new Short-term Rental and Home-sharing rules and insurance directives. The third reading of this new bylaw will be Monday, January 22, 2024.

Council accepted the request for direction of the 2024 Draft Operating Budget Discussion. Director of Corporate and Community Services, Victoria Chan, stated that 33% of the $22.3 million Operating budget will go to paying Salaries and Benefits of the Town of Drumheller’s employees. Approximately 25% of the Operating budget will go to requisitions such as RCMP, Seniors care and Education. $213,270 will be paid out for Council Members Salaries. The tax-supported portion of the Operating Budget is $9,962,718, with an approximate 4% increase. $1,198,845 will be drawn from reserves to balance the budget.
Council discussed the hiring of an Assistant Chief Administrative Officer to help with succession planning.
Ms. Chan discussed the $4.1 million held in Drumheller’s Contingency Budget for fiscal shortfalls. There will be another $700,000 added this year.
Recreation, Arts and Culture Manager, Rick Ladouceur, discussed the Parks and Recreation Master Plan for 2024 involving a potential Sports Council, revamping Newcastle Beach and the Newcastle and Rosedale ball diamonds. Mayor Colberg moved to further discuss the Master Plan and review it at another time.
Council adjourned the meeting to a closed session.

Complete minutes from council meetings can be found on www.drumheller.ca once they have been adopted.

Council Notes from the Regular Meeting Monday, January 8, 2024


Council Overview
Information from Drumheller
Town Council Regular Meeting
Monday, January 8, 2024

Drumheller Mayor Heather Colberg opened the meeting with well wishes to everybody in 2024 and stated that she is looking forward to all the work going ahead for the new year.
Council adopted the December 18, 2023 minutes as presented.
CAO Drohomerski announced that Council will be starting the new year off with four road closures in Nacmine for Berm construction. The proposed closures will be in the Northwest end (1st and 3rd), 4th Street, 8th Street, and Hunter Drive. This was the first reading and no discussions were made. Council carried and set a Public Hearing date for Monday, February 5, 2024.
Council moved for the decision to approve the North Drumheller Improvements Tender Award. Wilco Contractors Southwest Inc, of Calgary, was awarded the North Drumheller Flood Improvements Contract in the amount of $9,407,195.25 excluding GST, beating out PME Inc, also of Calgary, bid of $9,817,469.04. This project involves the extension of the Hospital Berm, the Michichi Creek West Berm, Michichi Creek East Berm, the Michichi Creek Realignment, as well as the Michichi Creek Sanitary Lift Station.
Council also moved to approve the North Drumheller Berm construction services tender to be awarded to Kerr Wood Leidel, of Calgary, in the amount of $1,044,810.00 excluding GST. This work of engineers will supervise the construction of the berms through inspections as it goes on over the next year.
Council adjourned to a closed session.
Council came out of closed-camera and moved to write off taxes of $8,078.45 for the defunct Trident Exploration Corp and oilfield services company.
Council wrote off $318,167.60 in unpaid taxes for a property in Lehigh.
Council moved to write off $175,135.51 in interest on arrears in taxes dating back to 2012. The owner is required to pay the penalty of $18,495.66.
Council moved to increase the salary scale for CAO Drohomerski from step 4 to step 5.

Complete minutes from council meetings can be found on www.drumheller.ca once they have been adopted.

Council Notes from the Regular Meeting Monday, December 18, 2023


Council Overview
Information from Drumheller Town Council Regular Council Meeting
Monday, December 18, 2023

Drumheller Mayor Heather Colberg opened the meeting and passed the floor to Councillor’s Tom Zariski and Crystal Sereda who both extended their many thanks to the students and communities for taking part in the Senior’s Christmas Dinner and the Rails to Trails Community Christmas Party.
Councilman Pat Kolafa was sworn in as Deputy Mayor for the months of January and February, taking over from the previous Deputy Mayor Stephanie Price.
Council approved the December 4th, 2023 regular council meeting minutes as presented and the 2024 Council and Committee meeting schedule.
Mayor Colberg presented the request for a decision that the Town of Drumheller continue to participate in the creation of a Mid-Size Towns Mayor Caucus. It will be made up of Mayors of small towns such as Olds, Carstairs and Three Hills. This is for these communities to explore joint opportunities and help each other out and share ideas. The Mayors Caucus Initiative was carried.
Council moves to give second and third readings of North Drumheller Berm ‘C’ Grove Plaza - MR Removal Bylaw. This is the berm behind the Travelodge, and part of that land is on municipal reserve. This motion was carried.
Council approved a motion to approve the resolution and expropriation and notice of intention to expropriate portion of a lot in Nacmine for flood mitigation.
Council passed third reading of its 2024 Capital Budget and 10 year capital plan. The budget includes 33 projects exceeding $4.5 million, of which approximately $1 million will be funded by the capital grants from the federal and provincial government initiatives. Council also passed its 2024 Utility Rate Bylaw.
Motion was passed by council to purchase a new loader for $306,200 excluding GST.
Council continues debates for the Paid Parking Pilot Review with more on going discussions that need to take place.

Complete minutes from council meetings can be found on www.drumheller.ca once they have been adopted.

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