Council Notes from Committee of the Whole Meeting Tuesday, November 14, 2023 | DrumhellerMail
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Council Notes from Committee of the Whole Meeting Tuesday, November 14, 2023


Council Overview
Information from Drumheller Town Council Committee of the Whole Meeting
Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Drumheller Mayor Heather Colberg opened the meeting and announced the Alberta Emergency Services Medal (AESM) to three members of the Drumheller Fire Department. Recipients are nominated by their peers and are eligible after a period of service of 12 years, and may be eligible for the Bronze Bar at 22 years of service, the Silver Bar at 32 years of service, and the Gold Bar after 40 years of service. The recipients are Randy Fourier for over 12 years of service; Mervin Smith for over 22 years of service, and Richard Schinnour for 32 years of service.
Representatives from Travel Drumheller and Travel Alberta presented its 2023 updates, highlighting the ongoing Destination Development Plan and ongoing changes. Executive director Julia Fielding shared one in six jobs in Drumheller are tourism related and tourism represents about $70 million in sales and $16 million in wages.
Over the last year the Travel Drumheller team has increased its staffing from a single full-time position to a team of three full-time permanent employees, two seasonal contractors, and two project specific contractors.
The Destination Development Plan is an important document being developed by the organization to help guide tourism over the next 20 years. The plan includes not only the Town of Drumheller, but also surrounding areas including Kneehill County, Rosebud, Dalum, and portions of Special Areas.
Council provided direction to Economic Development manager Reg Johnston regarding the proposed Business License Bylaw - Short Term Rentals (STRs). Council previously gave second reading to the Business License Bylaw on October 3 and provided recommendations regarding regulation of these properties (see story Page 3)
Drumheller Municipal Airport manager Dennis Dilworth presented council with an update on the local airport. He explained a total of 1,069 aircraft had visited the airport as of October, with just over half of those visitors, 51 per cent, purchasing fuel. There was a reduced number of town visits due to the loss of one of the airport’s courtesy cars in August of this year; about 12 per cent of visitors travel into the Town of Drumheller, and Mr. Dilworth shares he would like to see this number grow.
Runway lighting was among the projects completed this year, which replaced equipment with modern LED systems and allows for the airport to offer night operations. Paving has been an ongoing project, with paved surfaces repaired and resurfaced; however there remains some deficiencies regarding water drainage at the Fox Coulee Aviation hangar, which has been slated to be fixed in 2024. Another upcoming project is upgrading the fuel farm to replace the airport’s current underground fiberglass tanks with above ground, double walled metal tanks. This will make it easier and quicker for aircraft to refuel, and will increase fuel capacity from 45,000 liters to 65,000 liters.
Mr. Dilworth is also looking to survey more hanger lots to increase capacity.
Air Pockets Flight School is currently looking to bring a satellite school to the Drumheller Municipal Airport. To hold a flight school, repairs to the terminal basement will be required to create a classroom for flight training, and also provide a rentable room, and will also require a training aircraft to be stationed at the airport.
Corporate and Community Services director Victoria Chan presented council with a number of requests for consideration in the 2024 Capital budget and the 10 year capital plan (see story front).

Complete minutes from council meetings can be found on once they have been adopted.

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