Council Notes from the Regular Council Meeting Monday, October 16, 2023 | DrumhellerMail
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Council Notes from the Regular Council Meeting Monday, October 16, 2023


Council Overview
Information from Drumheller Town Council
Regular Council Meeting
Monday, October 16, 2023

Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Darryl Drohomerski explained Town councillors each sit on various boards and committees, and the organizational meeting gives council members an opportunity to make changes to these seats; the organizational meeting will also set the roster for the Deputy Mayor for the coming year.
He noted the appointments have mostly remained consistent with the exception of the recommended removal of Councillors Tony Lacher and Patrick Kolafa from the Economic Development Committee to align with the committee’s Terms of Reference, leaving Councillor Lisa Hansen-Zacharuk as representative, and the appointment of Councillors Stephanie Price and Tom Zariski to the Intermunicipal Subdivision and Appeal Board (ISDAB) as they both currently possess the required training for members of this board.
Council approved the 2023-2024 board and committee appointments and Deputy Mayor roster.
CAO Drohomerski introduced the Town’s new Financial Services director, Victoria Chan.
Council passed first reading of Bylaw10.23 ‘Berm C’ to remove the Municipal Reserve status in order to correct land boundary errors, including land ownership, in the area of the Grove Plaza berm in North Drumheller.
CAO Drohomerski explained the berm is on land owned by a variety of entities-the Town of Drumheller, Alberta Environment, Alberta Lands, and Canalta-and by removing the Municipal Reserve status on the Town-owned portion of these lands will allow the Town to undertake necessary steps for ongoing berm construction and negotiation.
A public hearing was scheduled for Monday, November 20.
Council authorized the 2023 Tax Recovery Public Auction date for January 26, 2024 and set the reserve bid price as of the July 1, 2023 assessment value.
CAO Drohomerski explained properties which have a tax caveat registered against it can be offered for public auction. There are currently four properties which are listed on the 2023 Tax Auction Property List-this has been reduced from an estimated 45 properties as of the beginning of September.
Council awarded the Star Mine Suspension Bridge repair construction tender to Volker Stevin Highways Ltd. in the amount of $247,700, excluding GST.
Acting Infrastructure Services director Kelcie Wilson explained the Suspension Bridge has been closed since the spring of 2020 after a routine inspection determined there were significant concerns; this has been delayed due to landowner access issues on the north side of the river which have been resolved as of April of this year.
A total of four bids were received at the time of the bid closing on October 10.

Complete minutes from council meetings can be found on once they have been adopted.

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