Council Notes from the Regular Council Meeting Tuesday, October 3, 2023 | DrumhellerMail
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Council Notes from the Regular Council Meeting Tuesday, October 3, 2023


Council Overview
Information from Drumheller Town Council Regular Council Meeting
Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Council gave second and third reading of the Area Structure Plan repeal bylaw for the East Coulee Trestle Bridge Area Structure Plan.
Council previously gave first reading to the bylaw on September 5 and a public hearing was previously held during the September 18 council meeting, at which time no in person or written submissions were received.
Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Darryl Drohomerski noted this will prevent current and future owners of the property from developing the property within the floodway area.
Council passed a motion to direct administration to abandon the notice of intention to expropriate a portion of a property in North Drumheller.
CAO Drohomerski explained a Notice of Intention to Expropriate was previously approved by council, and discussions and negotiations with the landowner have been ongoing. Since then, the landowner has agreed to sell the portion of the parcel required for flood mitigation work to the Town of Drumheller; this motion will allow the expropriation process to be stopped.
Council gave second reading to the Business License bylaw as amended.
Economic Development manager Reg Johnston explained, of the public responses received during community sessions and surveys, that about 72 per cent of respondents were in support of regulating Short Term Rentals in some form, and about half of respondents had expressed the current version of the proposed bylaw is a “good start.”
There was some feedback received regarding an online complaint form, which will allow members of the public to submit a complaint about potential properties which are non-compliant; Mr. Johnston noted this is something the department will investigate implementing. These Short Term Rental regulations will not have any impacts on the ongoing home share project.
Mr. Johnston also presented council with a total of seven tax rolls which are eligible for tax credits in the 2023 tax year in respect to the Residential Development Incentive Program. Council approved the tax abatement on these tax rolls, which will continue over a four year period at a rate of 100 per cent in the first year, 75 per cent in the second year, 50 per cent in the third year, and 25 per cent in the fourth year.
Acting Infrastructure Services director Kelcie Wilson provided a status update on the ongoing Aquaplex repairs (see story Page 2).
Other work ongoing during the closure include the relocation of the northwest Aquaplex emergency exit door due to flood mitigation work, and replacement of the make-up air handling unit.
It is anticipated the Aquaplex will remain closed to the public until November.

Complete minutes from council meetings can be found on once they have been adopted.

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