Council Notes from the Regular Council Meeting Tuesday, September 5, 2023, 2022 | DrumhellerMail
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Council Notes from the Regular Council Meeting Tuesday, September 5, 2023, 2022


Council Overview
Information from Drumheller Town Council Regular Council Meeting
Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Drumheller Mayor Heather Colberg opened the meeting and reminded residents schools are now back in session for the 2023-2024 school year and to be mindful of school and playground zones within the community.
Council gave first reading to repeal the East Coulee Trestle Bridge Area Structure Plan (ASP) and set a public hearing for Monday, September 18.
Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Darryl Drohomerski explained during flood mitigation in East Coulee it was determined there was land contained within the ASP which would be located within the floodway area. Within the ASP, a multi-lot development is referenced, but which has never materialized and the current owners have expressed they have no intention to subdivide the property.
It was recommended to repeal the ASP, which would prevent current and future owners from developing the property.
Acting Infrastructure Services director Kelcie Wilson provided an update on the status of Aquaplex repairs. The Aquaplex pool has been closed since July 10 when a leak was discovered, along with a medium-sized void beneath the mechanical room floor. Upon inspection it was determined not only was there a void beneath the floor, but a joint on the sanitary service line had failed.
Associated Engineering is currently developing sketches and technical specifications for Knibb Construction to fix the void and sanitary service, which will entail replacement of the exposed sanitary service and flood drain connection, adjusting placement of the hairnet strainer and pump, which will also involve extending the pump well, and installation of two new valves to facilitate maintenance.
It is anticipated the Aquaplex will be able to reopen the first week of October.
Council moved to a closed session to discuss third party contract, development and policy. When council reconvened, Mayor Colberg opened the public hearing for the proposed Business License Bylaw.
Manager of Economic Development Reg Johnston explained council had given first reading to the proposed Business License Bylaw on July 10. An open house was held on August 23, which attracted about 15 attendees, and a survey was also conducted in which 10 responses were received; 60 per cent of respondents were in support of regulating short term rentals.
No presenters were registered to speak online or in person, and there was one written submission.
The public hearing was closed and council adjourned the meeting.

Complete minutes from council meetings can be found on once they have been adopted.

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