Council Notes from Committee of the Whole Meeting Monday, February 6, 2023 | DrumhellerMail
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Council Notes from Committee of the Whole Meeting Monday, February 6, 2023


Council Overview
Information from Drumheller Town Council Committee of the Whole Meeting
Monday, February 6

Drumheller Mayor Heather Colberg opened the meeting.
Shock Trauma Air Rescue Service (STARS) Senior Municipal Relations liaison Glenda Farnden provided a presentation to council with an update on STARS services and fundraising. The foundation faced some fundraising challenges over the last few years due to in-person restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Ms. Farnden noted the provincial government has increased its funding support to 50 per cent, which is in line with the provinces of British Columbia and Saskatchewan, and the remainder is supported through municipal partners and its annual fundraisers.
The Town of Drumheller has an ongoing annual contribution, which is in conjunction with the current council term ending in 2025, of $10,000; the Town has been a supporter of the foundation since 1989 and were presented with a plaque for their continued support (see photo Page 2).
As of January 25 there have been a total of four inter-facility transfers to the Drumheller Health Centre in 2023, and Ms. Farnden noted there are an average of 23 missions per year to the area.
Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Darryl Drohomerski presented council with a request from the Drumheller Public Library Board to re-appoint Cheryl McNeil to the board.
CAO Drohomerski noted Ms. McNeil has already served for one term and it is being recommended by the board for another three year term ending February 1, 2026.
Council unanimously approved the recommended re-appointment of Ms. McNeil.
Flood mitigation project director Deighen Blakely presented council with a request for next steps to move forward with expropriation of a small portion of two properties in the Newcastle area in order to proceed with construction of the berm.
Council previously approved beginning the expropriation process in September 2022, and the next step is for council to approve or disapprove the Certificate of Approval and Resolutions in order to move forward. Ms. Blakely noted the full costs of land purchase and associated legal fees are eligible for funding under a provincial grant.
Council unanimously approved the request.
Council adjourned to a closed session.

Complete minutes from council meetings can be found on once they have been adopted.

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