Council Notes from Committee of the Whole Meeting Monday, December 12, 2022, 2022 | DrumhellerMail
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Council Notes from Committee of the Whole Meeting Monday, December 12, 2022, 2022


Council Overview
Information from Drumheller Town Council Committee of the Whole Meeting
Monday, December 12, 2022

Drumheller Mayor Heather Colberg opened the meeting and made some opening announcements.
She congratulated the senior Titans on their Provincial Tier IV championship win on Friday, November 25.
Mayor Colberg announced The Salvation Army has several volunteer kettle shifts available and are looking for help filling these spots.
She also reminded listeners of the Santa’s Christmas Dinner on Christmas Day at Yavis Restaurant.
Badlands Amphitheatre representatives presented council with the 2022 Events and Development report.
The Passion Play returned this year with a total of nine performances after a two-year hiatus, and the Amphitheatre was able to host some new events-Vanfest and Light Fest-and the sold out Canadian Icons Concert and Great Big Weekend with Tom Cochrane and Barenaked Ladies.
Despite challenges with lower attendance numbers at the Passion Play, the Amphitheater has increased its mailing list by 25 per cent and overall social media following by 30 per cent, and have continued development of the Badlands Art Centre-an 8,000 square foot, two-story event and performance space.
Director of Corporate and Community Services Mauricio Reyes presented council with a request for direction on the 2023 Operating Budget and four-year financial plan.
He explained the municipal tax requirement has been decreased from an estimated 6.2 per cent, which was presented at the December 5 regular council meeting, to an estimated 4.8 per cent increase in 2023. It was also recommended to increase to user fees at recreational facilities by 2.5 per cent in 2023 due to increased costs and additional personnel positions.
The proposed 2023 budget is $16,206,666, an increase of some $583,232 over the 2022 budget.
The committee provided several recommendations and feedback and Mr. Reyes was directed to bring the proposed budget back to the Monday, December 19 regular council meeting.

Complete minutes from council meetings can be found on once they have been adopted.

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