Council Notes from the Council meeting of Monday, June 11, 2018 | DrumhellerMail
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Council Notes from the Council meeting of Monday, June 11, 2018





Council Notes
Drumheller Town Council
Regular Council Meeting
Monday, June 11, 2018

Council heard a request for decision to appoint Cindy Woods as the town’s Development Officer which was passed unanimously. Cindy Woods returned to her position on June 4 from a leave of absence, and the position requires official appointment by council.
Julia Fielding appeared before council on behalf of the Subcommittee on Health to present information on the committee’s term of reference and organization. The Subcomittee on Health is a subcommittee of the Economic Task Force Committee. The committee’s objectives include attracting and retaining health professionals in the community and to facilitate community engagement in that process.
Councillor Jay Garbutt said the subcommittee is not empowered by bylaw and suggested perhaps council should look at establishing a bylaw to support a committee on health in the town. Mayor Heather Colberg responded by saying the group only needed support and information from council to facilitate the attraction of health professionals. She clarified the subcommittee would be more accurately named a ‘standing committee’ as it is not an official division of the town’s task force but a group of organized citizens. Councillors Fred Mackowecki and Lisa Hansen-Zacharuk both said they were excited to see citizens looking for areas to improve our community.
Council moved to accept for information the terms of references presented, renaming the committee to the Drumheller Standing Committee on Health and to provide a letter of support from the Town of Drumheller.
Council heard a request for decision to accept a proposal for 2018 Road Improvement and Other Work to be awarded to Rubydale Ashphalt Works for $1,177,656, the lowest bidder of three proposals. Council moved to award the tender to Rubydale Ashphalt. The contract came in under the expected budget. Part of the project will reconstruct the road on Hunts Crescent.
Councillor Tom Zariski asked that since the project is under budget would there be an opportunity to extend the scope of work with the remaining budgeted funds and Director of Infrastructure Armia Mikhaiel said it is possible and has been common practice in the past.
Council moved to accept for information from the Economic Task Force Subcommitee’s reports, which were not immediately made available to media. Councillor Garbutt made it known that council should be presented with the force’s recommendations and plans for implementation as soon as possible.

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