Council Notes from the Regular Council Meeting of Monday, October 30, 2017; | DrumhellerMail
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Council Notes from the Regular Council Meeting of Monday, October 30, 2017;






Council Notes
Drumheller Town Council
Organiztional Meeting
Monday, October 30, 2017

On Monday, October 30, the annual Organizational Meeting commenced at Town Hall.
Mr. Colin Kloot sworn in Mayor Heather Colberg and councillors Kristyne De Mott, Jay Garbutt, Lisa Hansen-Zacharuk, Tony Lacher, Fred Makowecki, and Tom Zariski as new council for Drumheller.
Once everyone was sworn in, Mr. Terry Yemen passed the chain of office to Heather Colberg as a symbol of mayorship.
Lisa Hansen-Zacharuk was sworn in by Mr. Kloot to become Deputy Mayor for the months of November and December.
Colberg made opening remarks about her new leadership and a bright path for Drumheller.
A seating change was arranged where councillors were placed on one side of the room and administration on the other to create a more open space and warrant transparent communication between council and the public.
Presentations and gifts were handed to former Mayor Terry Yemen and councillors Patrick Kolafa, Tara McMillian, and Sharel Shoff by Mayor Colberg.
Appointments were made to different boards and commissions by volunteers who had previously showed interest and signed up.
All three spots were filled by Clayton Gillis, Shelly Rymal, and Stacey Gallagher for the Municipal Planning Commission.
For the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board, three spots were taken care of by Keith Hodgson, Karen Bertamini, and Eileen Lefley.
Patrick and Katherine Bonnyville filled the two positions needed for the Drumheller Airport Commission and Elizabeth Gallagher filled one of the three positions available for the Drumheller Public Library Board.
Colberg made a proclamation, announcing that November will be Family Violence Prevention month in the Town of Drumheller.
The next Council of the Whole (COW) Meeting will be on November 6 and the next regular council meeting will be November 14.

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