This weekend it is time to celebrate, remember and fight back.
Things kick off at 7 p.m. on Friday night at the Drumheller Stampede and Ag. Society grounds. Jason Blanke will be emceeing the event and Dave Daly will be piping in the opening ceremonies. First to take the track will be the participants in the Survivor’s Lap. Leeza Nielsen will be leading this moving tradition.
After that, the rest of the teams will take to the track for the all night trek. While the walkers are on track, there will be some great entertainment on stage including a performance from a choir directed by Becky Neuman, as well as a trio called Triple Play.
Calgary country artist Ashley Rae will be taking the stage at 9 p.m., followed by the Cat County Cougar Hunters from Rosedale. The Fire Coulee Bandits will be closing out the evening.
After dusk, one of the most emotional traditions of the Relay For Life will take place. The Luminary Ceremony gives those affected by cancer a chance to reflect on those who are battling cancer and those who have battled cancer and either won or lost. Luminaries are a simple white bag with a candle inside which participants can decorate in memory and dedication of loved ones. These will line the track and light up the night for walkers.
Even if you are not participating, The Relay for Life is a great chance for camaraderie, entertainment and reflection.