Drumheller’s Chief Administrative Officer Ray Romanetz received a 3 per cent raise last Monday following an in camera session at Drumheller town council.
“My conscience is with the people of Drumheller, and I think that’s how they’d want me to vote. That’s where I get my direction from,” said Mayor Yemen, who also says he considered what other community’s CAOs are paid.
“It’s a cost of living raise,” said councillor Sharel Shoff, who voted in favour, “And that’s what the other workers have all got. It wasn’t on merit or anything else.”
CAO Romanetz was paid $167,511 in salary in 2010.
The town recently finished discussions with union members which resulted in a 3 per cent cost of living raise. Once the union contract is settled, usually higher level personnel - like managers' salaries are reviewed, and then the CAO’s salary increase is discussed. It’s not mandatory, Yemen said, but said it’s good governance. It’s reviewed annually.
Yemen adds, "When all your union people get a raise, you should look at giving your out of scope people some sort of raise. Three per cent, when you look around the province, seems to be the standard."
CAO Romanetz received a 25 per cent salary increase in January 2009, with another 5 per cent increase the following month, said Yemen.